The 1st Annual Crawford Festival 2022 by the RPSL
The 1st Annual Crawford Festival was organised by the Royal Philatelic Society London, at the RPSL premises, on 28th and 29th June. The theme of the Festival was “How to write a book – A practical guide to producing a work of philatelic literature”, as the two-day event intended to celebrate the contribution of philatelic literature.
A keynote address entitled “Crawford in Context, the place of the 26th Earl in philatelic history” by David Beech FRPSL opened the programme on 28th June, with contributions through the first day on resources for research. The second day, 29th June, opened by Brian Trotter RDP Hon. FRPSL, concentrated on the practical aspects of producing a book. In the afternoon this year’s winners of the Crawford Medal were announced: Guillermo F. Gallegos and Joseph D. Hahn for their book The 19th century issues of El Salvador 1867-1900, published by RPSL, 2021.
The detailed programme for the two days can be viewed here:
You can read more on the 1st Crawford Festival and the Crawford Medal on the RPSL website: