
PTS People’s Choice Awards 2024
Latest from the PTS:
With over 3,500 votes cast, there was fierce competition in this year's PTS People's Choice Awards!
49 Nominees had been shortlisted across five categories - Best Website, Best Publication, Best Social Media, Best Physical…

The ‘Augusto Massari’ Prize 2024
The 23nd edition of the ‘Augusto Massari’ Prize for music philately took place in Vasto on the occasion of the VASTOPHIL 2024 national exhibition (from 20 to 22 September 2024, at Palazzo d’Avalos, on the initiative of the ‘Nino Piccirilli’…

Søren Christian Jensen receives the Denmark Medal
At its 7th September meeting in Nyborg, the Danish Philatelic Association (DFF) awarded the Denmark Medal to Søren Christian Jensen. The reasons quoted were the recipient's work for Danish philately, his collections, articles, and books. The…

The 54th Asiago International Prize for Philatelic art
At its 54th edition of the Asiago International Prize for Philatelic Art, also known as the Oscar of Philately, the Jury has bestowed the Oscar on two postage stamps.
The first, was a miniature sheet from the Czech Republic, celebrating William…

The Devonshire Bowl and Plate 2024
On Thursday, 4 July, the Royal Philatelic Society London hosted its fourth single-frame competition at its premises. This open event allowed the society's members to compete in all subjects and classes recognised under existing ABPS categories.

Benny Winther winner of the Silver Postiljon!
Latest press release by Postiljonen:
This year’s NORDIA exhibition was held in Langesund, Norway, from May 31 to June 2, and we are very happy to announce that the winner of the Postiljonen Challenge Trophy “SilverPostiljonen”, awarded…

Barreiros brothers win the Crawford Medal
The Royal Philatelic Society London has announced that Dr Luis Barreiros and Dr Eduardo Barreiros won the Crawford Medal at the 3rd Annual Crawford Festival (25-26 June) with their book Portuguese India — Postal History and the First Issues…

The American Philatelic Society announced the 2024 Luff Awards
The American Philatelic Society (APS) announced today the recipients of the 2024 Luff Award, the most prestigious award bestowed by the APS upon living philatelists.
(a) For Distinguished Philatelic Research: Kenneth H. “Ken” Trettin

Crawford Festival 2024
We've picked this up from the website of the Association of British Philatelic Societies (ABPS):
The Royal Philatelic Society London is pleased to announce the short list of six from which the Crawford Medal Committee will select the 2024…

Vote for the most popular music stamp of 2023
Stamp collectors from all over the world are invited to vote for the most popular music stamp 2023. The designer of the winning stamp will be awarded the Yehudi-Menuhin-Trophy 2024 by Motivgruppe Musik, the International Philatelic Music Study…

Bill Hedley awarded the Congress Medal 2024
ABPS website reports:
The ABPS has awarded the Congress Medal 2024 to Bill Hedley, FRPSL. He has made and continues to make contributions to organised philately at all levels. He was elected President of the Federation of European Philatelic…

Giancarlo Morolli honoured in Lavagna
We've picked it up from Vaccari News: Giancarlo Morolli was honoured today in Lavagna (Genoa) with the City of Lavagna Philatelic Award.
Giancarlo is currently Vice-President of the Federation of European Philatelic Associations (FEPA), FSFI…

The 2024 Signatories to the Roll of Distinguished Philatelists
Received yesterday from Jon Aitchison, Keeper of the Roll of Distinguished Philatelists.
At the meeting of the Board of Election of the Roll of Distinguished Philatelists on 7th March 2024 it was unanimously agreed that the following philatelists…

Yehudi Menahim Trophy 2023 – Most Popular Music Stamp 2022
An instrument of the symphony orchestra combined with the autograph of a fitting work penned by an Austrian composer are the distinctive components of the “Musikland Österreich” stamp series. Since 2020, Viennese graphic artist Ms Kirsten…

The Philatelic Traders’ Society Awards 2023
Latest Press Release from the PTS:
Please find attached information about the PTS Awards 2023 should you wish to share across your newsletters, social media, websites, magazines, and/ or other fabulous outlets into the hobby.
We are always…

“Giovanni Riggi di Numana” Award
Spazio Filatelia, the area devoted to philately at Milan’s central location of Poste Italiane, hosted the final ceremony of the second edition of the “Giovanni Riggi di Numana” Award. This award, jointly set up by the Khouzam Foundation…

The Prix Augusto Massari 2023
The 22nd edition of the Prix Augusto Massari, a reference for collectors of the musical theme, was hosted in Vasto in the framework of the national exhibition Vastophil 2023. The Prix started 49 years ago at the EFIST 72 in Salsomaggiore Terme;…

Miloš Ondráček was inducted into the Czech Postage Stamp Hall of Fame
The Czech Postage Stamp Hall of Fame was established in 2020. In 2023, the inductee was stamp engraver Miloš Ondráček, born in Prague in 1936. He is the engraver of 400 Czechoslovak, Czech and Slovak postage stamps.
The official announcement…

Royal Philatelic Society Awards for 2023
Royal Philatelic Society London (RPSL) Press Release: 6th July 2023
The awards for 2023 of the Royal Philatelic Society London were presented at the Society’s Annual General Meeting on 29 June.
The Tapling Medal for the best article in the…

The Crawford Medal 2023
The Crawford Medal awardees for 2023 were announced at the closure of the two-day 2nd Annual Crawford Festival, which took place at the RPSL on 27 and 28 June.
Crawford Medal winner: Engelbrecht, Lars, Postal stationery of Denmark: the…

22° Premio Internazionale di Filatelia Tematica Musicale ‘Augusto Massari’
Luca Lavagnino has sent us the following Press Release:
Under the patronage of the Italian Federation of Philatelic Societies, in Vasto – Italy the 22nd International Musical Thematic Philately Prize “Augusto Massari” will be held from…

FIP Medal of Appreciation to Giancarlo Morolli RDP
During the Palmares of IBRA 2023, the FIP Board announced a medal of appreciation to FEPA Vice President Giancarlo Morolli in recognition of his service as a juror at FIP exhibitions. FIP Vice President Yigal Nathaniel presented the award, and…

FESOFI and Philatelic Merit Medals 2023
Following a decision at the FESOFI General Assembly held in Madrid on 5th March, the FESOFI Medal was awarded to:
Alcañiz Philatelic and Numismatic Group (organisation)
Miguel Ángel García Fernández (individual)
The FESOFI Medals…

22° Premio Internazionale di Filatelia Tematica Musicale ‘Augusto Massari’
The 22nd edition of the 'Augusto Massari' Prize for philately will take place in Vasto on the occasion of the VastoPhil 2023 national exhibition of Open, Thematic and Maxima Philately, scheduled from 15 to 17 September, at Palazzo d'Avalos,…

The 2023 Signatories to the Roll of Distinguished Philatelists
At the meeting of the Board of Election of the Roll of Distinguished Philatelists on 16th February 2023 it was unanimously agreed that the following philatelists be invited to be the new signatories to the Roll:
Pradip Jain, RDP, India

European Academy of Philately Awards for 2023
The latest Trait d'Union 2022-2, the biannual AEP Newsletter to its members, reported yesterday the AEP Awards for 2023 as follows:
The European Philatelic Merit 2023 has been awarded to Vincent Schouberechts (Belgium). The AEP would like to…

Pantelis Leoussis is awarded with the 2022 HPS Medal
Pantelis Leoussis is the 2022 recipient of the Hellenic Philatelic Society Medal for "Significant services to Hellenic philately".
Pantelis Leoussis, 84, composer and pianist by profession, fluent in French, Italian and (naturally) Greek,…

Richard West receives Special Award
Richard West MBE, FRPSL, has received a special award from Stamp Active in recognition of fifty years of service to youth philately. He first joined the Melville Memorial Committee in 1972 and he has given continuous service to the evolving…

Best Maximum Card World Competition 2021
Pascal Bandry, Chairman, and Bostjan Petauer, Secretary of the FIP Maximaphily Commission published the results of the "Best Maximum Card World Competition 2021". Out of nineteen entries received, the winners were:
1st place: Poland, 60 points

The Philatelic Traders’ Society Awards 2022
We just received the official release for the PTS Awards 2022.
London, December 2022: The Philatelic Traders’ Society is delighted to announce the winners of the 2022 PTS Awards. Launched in 2020 to celebrate the best in the business, the…

The Rowland Hill Medal Winners
We copied the announcement from the Museum of Philately website:
Museum of Philately awards the Rowland Hill Medal at the prestigious stamp show Monacophil on Friday 25th November 2022, in Monte Carlo. As an online Museum, we celebrate great…

The Finnish Philatelic Federation awards Ari Muhonen
Ari Muhonen received the Pro Philatelia Gold Medal awarded by the Finnish Philatelic Federation. Here is the official citation in translation:
Ari Muhonen's achievements in the field of organised philately are immense. He started his service…

An extraordinary achievement by Pedro Vaz Pereira
Pedro Vaz Pereira, Honorary President of FEPA and current President of the Portuguese Philatelic Federation, was awarded not once, not twice, but three times with three different and of the highest level philatelic distinctions on the same day…

The Museum of Philately opens public voting for the Rowland Hill Medal
The Museum of Philately has announced that twenty one world class collections have been nominated for the Rowland Hill Medal, which will be awarded for the first time.
Voting opens on 18th October 2022 and closes on 18th November. In order…

LIBEREC 2022 European Exhibition awards
The LIBEREC 2022 jury released the awards on Saturday, 15 October, noon time. Later in the day, during the palmares dinner, the jury votes were counted in front of the audience and the Grand Prize winners were announced.
Grand Prix Championship…

Museum of Philately Rowland Hill Medal will be decided by public vote
The Museum of Philately sent a note a few days ago:
There is just a month left to be in with the chance to enter the Rowland Hill Medal. All collections received and reviewed by the curators before the end of August will be in with a chance…

American Philatelic Society announces the recipients of the 2022 Awards
On 30 July the APS announced the recipients of the 2022 Awards which will be presented in the Great American Stamp Show in Sacramento on 27 August.
The American Philatelic Society Luff Awards
(a) For Distinguished Philatelic Research: Hal Vogel

European Academy of Philately Awards for 2022
The recent issue (2022-1) of the Trait d’Union, the newsletter of the European Academy of Philately, revealed the AEP awards granted by the Academy for 2022:
The European 2022 Medal for Philatelic Merit was awarded to Guy Coutant, the editor…

The Royal Philatelic Society London Medals
According to a latest Press Release by the RPSL:
The Royal Philatelic Society London has announced the recipients of its medals for 2022 as follows.
The Tapling Medal for the best article in the Society’s journal, The London Philatelist,…

The awards ceremony for the best French stamps of 2021
The awards ceremony for the best French stamps of 2021 took place on 23rd June. This was the 31st time of such a selection process. More than 170 philatelic creations were in competition and more than 104,000 votes were sent in. The public…

The 1st Annual Crawford Festival 2022 by the RPSL
The 1st Annual Crawford Festival was organised by the Royal Philatelic Society London, at the RPSL premises, on 28th and 29th June. The theme of the Festival was "How to write a book – A practical guide to producing a work of philatelic literature",…

The Polish Philatelists Union (PZF) awards Philatelic Literature Medals
The Committee of the Medal "for the development of philatelic publications" of the Polish Philatelists Union (PZF) awarded the 2021 medals to the following recipients:
Jerzy Kupiec - Węgliński, United States (for the second time). Medal for…

Sweden: Three new recipients of the Strandell Medal
At the Swedish Philatelic Federation Congress, held in Täby on 14 May, the Strandell Medal was awarded to three recipients, as earlier award ceremonies were postponed due to the pandemic.
Strandellmedalj 51: Christer Brunström. A frequent…

Spain: Two prominent researchers receive the Civil Order of Postal Merit
Two renowned philatelists from Spain, both exceptional researchers, Fernando Aranaz del Río and Eugenio de Quesada, have been awarded with the Medal of the Civil Order of Postal Merit (la Placa de la Orden Civil al Mérito Postal), which will…

Chris Harman RDP is the 2022 recipient of the Lichtenstein Award
Christopher G. Harman RDP was named by the Collectors Club, New York, the 2022 recipient of Alfred F. Lichtenstein Memorial Award.
A short philatelic curriculum vitae of Chris Harman is included in the announcement of the Collectors Club…

New Signatories to the Roll of Distinguished Philatelists are announced
The Board of Election of the Roll of Distinguished Philatelists has agreed to invite the following philatelists sign the Roll:
Dr. Bruno Crevato-Selvaggi, RDP, FRPSL (Italy)
Reinaldo Estevᾶo…

Museum of Philately announces the Rowland Hill Medal
We received the following press release on 16 December 2021:
The Museum of Philately has launched the ‘Rowland Hill Medal’ for the best collection on the Museum. The first medal winner will be revealed at Monacophil 2022, with judging…

New RDPs sign the Roll of Distinguished Philatelists
We are delighted to report that four well-known European philatelists signed the RDP Roll at the Congress of the Association of British Philatelic Societies in Harrogate, Yorkshire on 24th September.
They are:
Henrik Mouritsen RDP (Denmark)

Five new RDPs elected, including four from Europe
The Board of Election of the Roll of Distinguished Philatelists has invited five eminent philatelists to sign the Roll. They are:
Dénes Czirók, RDP, FRPSL (Hungary)
Dr. Seija-Riitta Laakso, RDP. FRPSL (Finland)

RDPs 2018: Robert Abensur, Gustaf Douglas, Cheryl R. Ganz and Geoffrey Lewis
At a recent meeting of the Board of Election , the members unanimously decided to ask Robert Abensur (France), Gustaf Douglas FRPSL (Sweden), Cheryl R. Ganz FRPSL (United States of America), and Geoffrey Lewis FRPSL (Australia) to sign the Roll.

New RDPs to Sign The Roll Of Distinguished Philatelists in Leeds on the 7th August 2015 The Board of Election unanimously decided to ask Jørgen Jørgensen FRPSL (Denmark), James P. Mazepa FRPSL (United States), Stephen D. Schumann FRPSL (United States), and Frank Walton FRPSL (United Kingdom) to sign the Roll.