Congratulations to the Austrian Federation (VÖPh) which has succeeded – in the face of all the current restrictions – in holding ÖVEBRIA 2020, its national exhibition with international participation, live in Sankt Pölten from 2nd – 4th October 2020.
The local authority agreed to allow the exhibition to take place as a special fair but the necessary health guidelines had to be followed which required careful planning and restrictions. Even so, it attracted many visitors to see an extensive range of philatelic exhibits (approx 500 square metres) from Austria and further afield, especially from Heidenheim in Germany which is partnered with St Pölten.
The show was opened by Matthias Stadler, the Mayor of St Pölten, who thanked the organisers for their work especially at this difficult time (Photo above).
A special stamp (‘Tag Der Briefmarke’) was issued to mark the occasion. The photo above shows (from left) Stefan Nemeth (Austrian Post), Dr Anita Kern (Designer), Alfred Kunz (FEPA representative), and Mag. Helmut Kogler (President of the St Pölten Philatelic Club) at the presentation.
ÖVEBRIA has FEPA recognition and a special FEPA award was made at the show to Mag. Helmut Kogler, President of the St Pölten Club and also of the Austrian Federation, by FEPA Board Member Alfred Kunz (Photo above). Hedley Hedley2020-11-08 16:29:052020-11-08 23:26:29Austrian National Exhibition (ÖVEBRIA) held successfully in St. Pölten
We are delighted to report that, in spite of all the current COVID restrictions, the Spanish Federation of Philatelic Societies (FESOFI) and its President Mr García Fernández have succeeded in holding a successful 58th national philatelic exhibition (EXFILNA 2020) virtually. The exhibition took place from 28th October – 1st November 2020.
The scale of their achievement can be seen from the fact that 145 exhibits in 12 different classes were entered, including 31 new exhibits and a total of 11,536 sheets. The exhibits ranged in size between 1, 3, 5 and 8 frames although most fell into the 5 and 8 frame categories. A good spread of medals was awarded including 13 Large Gold and 40 Gold.
The exhibition included a series of presentations and meetings, and the launch of three new Philately notebooks. Number 24, called ‘Desde mi Casa’ (From my House), brought together the philatelic studies that have been published daily on the FESOFI website. Numbers 25 and 26 by Mr Aranaz del Río, Honorary President of FESOFI, were both entitled ‘Nombres para la Filatelia y la Historia Postal Española’ (Names for philately and Spanish postal history) and contain biographies of 125 leading contributors to philately. Hedley Hedley2020-11-07 19:19:442020-11-07 20:16:00Virtual EXFILNA 2020 is a great success
Undaunted by COVID restrictions on travel and meetings, the Carinthian Postal History Club (Kärntner Philatelistenclub) of Klagenfurt, Austria, succeeded in holding a display exhibition in 122 showcases on 10th October 2020, marking to the day the centenary of the 1920 plebiscite in Austrian Carinthia.
After the end of the First World War the lands of Carinthia, inhabited in the southern part by a predominantly Slovene population, were occupied by units of the newly formed State of SHS (State of Slovenes, Croats and Serbs). Conflict followed and, to resolve the question, the Peace Treaty of Saint Germain stipulated that affiliation to one or the other country (Austria or the State of SHS) should be decided by the plebiscite will of the population.
At the exhibition general historic background was shown as well as postal history documents – letters and parcel mail, postcards and propaganda material, posters – and original newspapers from that time.
Due to COVID-19 conditions the opening of the exhibition was limited to 50 attendees, with mandatory registration at the entrance and wearing of masks. This made it all the more moving when the highly distinguished President of the club, Dr. Hadmar Fresacher, greeted all present, especially the representative of the City of Klagenfurt, the representatives of the Austrian Philatelic Federation (VÖPh) and the Slovenian Philatelic Association (Filatelistična zveza Slovenije) and, of course, all the exhibitors and organisers of the exhibition.
The President of the Club, Dr Hadmar Fresacher, greets all present.
The exhibition was accompanied by special publications by the club and, to mark the occasion, the Austrian Post issued a commemorative postage stamp. Walter Leitner also launched a magnificent new book in 479 pages on ‘The Postal Service during the Struggles and Plebiscite in Carinthia 1918-1920’.
Walter Leitner introduces his new book.
The exhibition was opened to the public the next day, Sunday, 11.10. 2020. Definitely many congratulations to the Organiser that in this special year 2020 he managed to prepare and hold an international event of philately (and history) that will be long remembered. Hedley Hedley2020-11-05 17:50:522020-11-07 19:23:20Centenary of Carinthian Plebiscite marked by special exhibition in Klagenfurt
Austrian National Exhibition (ÖVEBRIA) held successfully in St. Pölten
Congratulations to the Austrian Federation (VÖPh) which has succeeded – in the face of all the current restrictions – in holding ÖVEBRIA 2020, its national exhibition with international participation, live in Sankt Pölten from 2nd – 4th October 2020.
The local authority agreed to allow the exhibition to take place as a special fair but the necessary health guidelines had to be followed which required careful planning and restrictions. Even so, it attracted many visitors to see an extensive range of philatelic exhibits (approx 500 square metres) from Austria and further afield, especially from Heidenheim in Germany which is partnered with St Pölten.
The show was opened by Matthias Stadler, the Mayor of St Pölten, who thanked the organisers for their work especially at this difficult time (Photo above).
A special stamp (‘Tag Der Briefmarke’) was issued to mark the occasion. The photo above shows (from left) Stefan Nemeth (Austrian Post), Dr Anita Kern (Designer), Alfred Kunz (FEPA representative), and Mag. Helmut Kogler (President of the St Pölten Philatelic Club) at the presentation.
ÖVEBRIA has FEPA recognition and a special FEPA award was made at the show to Mag. Helmut Kogler, President of the St Pölten Club and also of the Austrian Federation, by FEPA Board Member Alfred Kunz (Photo above).
Virtual EXFILNA 2020 is a great success
We are delighted to report that, in spite of all the current COVID restrictions, the Spanish Federation of Philatelic Societies (FESOFI) and its President Mr García Fernández have succeeded in holding a successful 58th national philatelic exhibition (EXFILNA 2020) virtually. The exhibition took place from 28th October – 1st November 2020.
The scale of their achievement can be seen from the fact that 145 exhibits in 12 different classes were entered, including 31 new exhibits and a total of 11,536 sheets. The exhibits ranged in size between 1, 3, 5 and 8 frames although most fell into the 5 and 8 frame categories. A good spread of medals was awarded including 13 Large Gold and 40 Gold.
The exhibition included a series of presentations and meetings, and the launch of three new Philately notebooks. Number 24, called ‘Desde mi Casa’ (From my House), brought together the philatelic studies that have been published daily on the FESOFI website. Numbers 25 and 26 by Mr Aranaz del Río, Honorary President of FESOFI, were both entitled ‘Nombres para la Filatelia y la Historia Postal Española’ (Names for philately and Spanish postal history) and contain biographies of 125 leading contributors to philately.
These publications can be downloaded at:
The Catalogue for the exhibition can be seen at:
Centenary of Carinthian Plebiscite marked by special exhibition in Klagenfurt
Undaunted by COVID restrictions on travel and meetings, the Carinthian Postal History Club (Kärntner Philatelistenclub) of Klagenfurt, Austria, succeeded in holding a display exhibition in 122 showcases on 10th October 2020, marking to the day the centenary of the 1920 plebiscite in Austrian Carinthia.
After the end of the First World War the lands of Carinthia, inhabited in the southern part by a predominantly Slovene population, were occupied by units of the newly formed State of SHS (State of Slovenes, Croats and Serbs). Conflict followed and, to resolve the question, the Peace Treaty of Saint Germain stipulated that affiliation to one or the other country (Austria or the State of SHS) should be decided by the plebiscite will of the population.
At the exhibition general historic background was shown as well as postal history documents – letters and parcel mail, postcards and propaganda material, posters – and original newspapers from that time.
Due to COVID-19 conditions the opening of the exhibition was limited to 50 attendees, with mandatory registration at the entrance and wearing of masks. This made it all the more moving when the highly distinguished President of the club, Dr. Hadmar Fresacher, greeted all present, especially the representative of the City of Klagenfurt, the representatives of the Austrian Philatelic Federation (VÖPh) and the Slovenian Philatelic Association (Filatelistična zveza Slovenije) and, of course, all the exhibitors and organisers of the exhibition.
The President of the Club, Dr Hadmar Fresacher, greets all present.
The exhibition was accompanied by special publications by the club and, to mark the occasion, the Austrian Post issued a commemorative postage stamp. Walter Leitner also launched a magnificent new book in 479 pages on ‘The Postal Service during the Struggles and Plebiscite in Carinthia 1918-1920’.
Walter Leitner introduces his new book.
The exhibition was opened to the public the next day, Sunday, 11.10. 2020. Definitely many congratulations to the Organiser that in this special year 2020 he managed to prepare and hold an international event of philately (and history) that will be long remembered.