The cover of the beautiful book printed for the event
The Portuguese Philatelic Federation and the Portuguese Academy of the History held on 10th and 17th of October two session to commemorate the end of the 1st World War.
It was organized a cycle of conferences about this matter, being two in each day.
They were very interesting and they approached several subjects, as the horses in the 1st World War, the FADO the Portuguese National song in the trenches, the photography in the war and the censorship in the 1st World War.
With these interesting conference, it was organized a philatelic and iconography exhibition, being exhibitors Luis and Eduardo Barreiros and Pedro Vaz Pereira.
The Portuguese Philatelic Federation and Portuguese Academy of the History published a very nice and interesting book, where were written 5 exceptional articles about the 1st World war.
Dr. Luis Barreiros during his conference and the special commemorative cancellation
The Portuguese Post Office issued a special cancelation to commemorate this event, which were used in the stamps of the armistice.
Both sessions were completely full of public and it was a very important commemoration of the end of the 1st World War.
Pedro Vaz Pereiraños-guerra-Portugal-e1541346446384.jpg241170José Ramón Morenoé Ramón Moreno2018-11-04 17:49:112018-11-05 20:03:22100 Years of the Great War 1914-1918
Ehrungen bei der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Maximaphilie und Ansichtskarten für die HH.: Günter Formery (D), Jean-Louis Reuter und Jos Wolff (L) in Heidelberg
In Heidelberg die Mitgliederversammlung 2018 der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Maximaphilie und Ansichtskarten statt. Die Herren Rudolf Häring, Vorsitzender der Arbeitsgemeinschaft und Günter Formery, Geschäftsführer und Redakteur der Zeitschrift Maximaphilie und Philokartie Report gegrüßten die anwesenden Teilnehmer. Von Luxemburg waren die HH. Jean-Louise Reuter und Jos Wolff anwesend. Die Tagesordnung bestand aus 17 Punkte, unteranderem: die Berichte der Vorstandsmitglieder über die Tätigkeiten im Berichtszeitraum, dem Geschäftsführer, Redakteur und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Bericht der Kassenprüfer, Etablierung eines “Tags der Ansichtskarte” im BDPh, Ehrungen usw. Im Verlauf der Mitgliederversammlung der Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Maximaphilie & Philokartie am 7. Juli 2018 konnten
Jos Wolf, RDP, Ehrenpräsident der FIP und Präsident der FSPL (links), mit der BDPh-(Bund Deutscher Philatelisten e.V.) Verdienstnadel für Verdienste um Forschung und Literatur in Silber,Jean-Louis Reuter, mit der BDPh-Verdienstnadel in Bronze und Günter Formery, AMPh-Ehrenvorsitzender und Mitglied in einem FSPL-Verein (Mitte) mit der AMPh-Verdienstmedaille und Ehrenurkunden ausgezeichnet werden.
Foto: Horst Niedermeier/D
Teilnehmer: Von links: K. Schubert, J.-L. Reuter, G. Formery, W. Zimmermann, D. Schaile, R. Martienß, Jos Wolff, Ehrenmitglied, K.-P. Binanzer (vorne), T. Wolf, R. Häring, E. Kuntz, P. Riedl, W. Koksch, D. Glaser, H. Niedermeier und J. Noll.
Foto: Henri Wolff/L
Im Jahr 2020 findet die Mitgliederversammlung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Maximaphilie und Ansichtskarten, während einer Nationaler Briefmarkenausstellung in Ettelbrück statt.
“MACAO 2018 – 35th Asian International Stamp Exhibition” was successfully completed on 24th September, 2018 with the exhibition period of 21st to 24th September at Cotai Expo Hall A at The Venetian Macao. It was co-organized by Macao Post & Telecommunications Bureau and the Macao Philatelic Club. It was the first great international philatelic event in Asia organized by Macao Special Administrative Region.
There were 23 countries or regions of overseas postal administrations or stamp dealers and of local cultural and creative industries with a total of 42 booths participating in this event. Over 1000 frames of the FIAP members’ philatelic collections were on display. Competitive exhibits had nine classes, namely championship, traditional, postal history, postal stationery, thematic, youth, literature, one frame and modern philately.
Youth in Macao 2018
During the exhibition period, it was classified into four different thematic days including Postal Savings Day, Stamps Day, Letters Writing Day and Festive Day. The venue has been divided to several areas, such as Exhibition Area, Treasure Gallery, Pillar Boxes, Sales Booths, Sales Booths of Macao Cultural & Creative Industries, Macao Post & Telecommunications Bureau Sales Booth and Stamp Vending Machines area.
For special stamp issues, three unique stamp sets of “MACAO 2018 – 35th Asian International Stamp Exhibition” were issued on the themes of authentic food, festivals, famous streets and landmarks. Apart from the “Macao 2018 – 35th Asian International Stamp Exhibition (I)” that had been issued on 1st March, the label stamp “Macao 2018 – 35th Asian International Stamp Exhibition (II)” was issued on the opening day, 21st September and the “Macao 2018 – 35th Asian International Stamp Exhibition (III)” was issued on 23rd September. The designers’ autograph sessions were held at noon on 21st and 23rd September.
Furthermore, “DIY Postcard” Vending Machine was first put into service for printing self-portraits and greetings on the postcards as an exclusive souvenir. Special Edition of Personalized Stamp – “Joy” was available to print on site. Besides, a Venetian temporary postmark was used for mailing cancellation as well.
In order to strengthen industry exchanges and establish a communication platform, “Macao 2018” has arranged a number of seminars in the course of the Stamps Exhibition, including “Greeting from “Kingdom of Stamps” Liechtenstein”, “Art in Miniature – Seminar on Macao Stamps Design”. Furthermore, there were sessions of “An Introduction to Printing & Technology of Stamps”, “Facilitating the development of inclusive finance and green finance on the Digital Silk Road: Fintech’s potential positive impact” and “Applying Blockchain in Real Business Scenarios”. At the same time, the awards ceremonies of “Macao Postal Savings Grants Program 2017/2018”, “Creative Savings Box Construction Contest”, “Draw My Story of Stamps Contest”, “47th International Letter – Writing Competition for Young People” and “Macao2018 – 35th Asian International Stamp Exhibition – Youth Philately” awards ceremonies were presented as well.
On the Palmares Night of “MACAO 2018 – 35th Asian International Stamp Exhibition” Award Ceremony, the winners of prizes were announced. They are: Grand Prix d’ Honneur, Grand Prix International, Grand Prix National, 6 Large Gold Medal, 19 Gold Medal, 54 Large Vermeil Medal, 50 Vermeil Medal, 38 Large Silver Medal, 22 Silver Medal, 22 Silver Bronze Medal and 18 Bronze Medal of 9 classes were also awarded. Macao contestants won the 32 award of 5 philately.
Although the size of stamp is quite small, it serves as a carrier of promoting cultures. The “MACAO 2018 – 35th Asian International Stamp Exhibition” had played an important role as a “bridge” for enhancing cultural and economic exchanges among countries and regions, to further achieve synergy effects, and further maximize stamp collection’s unique advantage with an aim to enable cultural practices passed on from generation to generation.
100 Years of the Great War 1914-1918
The cover of the beautiful book printed for the event
The Portuguese Philatelic Federation and the Portuguese Academy of the History held on 10th and 17th of October two session to commemorate the end of the 1st World War.
It was organized a cycle of conferences about this matter, being two in each day.
They were very interesting and they approached several subjects, as the horses in the 1st World War, the FADO the Portuguese National song in the trenches, the photography in the war and the censorship in the 1st World War.
With these interesting conference, it was organized a philatelic and iconography exhibition, being exhibitors Luis and Eduardo Barreiros and Pedro Vaz Pereira.
The Portuguese Philatelic Federation and Portuguese Academy of the History published a very nice and interesting book, where were written 5 exceptional articles about the 1st World war.
Dr. Luis Barreiros during his conference and the special commemorative cancellation
The Portuguese Post Office issued a special cancelation to commemorate this event, which were used in the stamps of the armistice.
Both sessions were completely full of public and it was a very important commemoration of the end of the 1st World War.
Pedro Vaz Pereira
Philatelic honours in Heidelberg, Germany
Neuheiten in der Philatelie aus Deutschland
Ehrungen bei der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Maximaphilie und Ansichtskarten für die HH.: Günter Formery (D), Jean-Louis Reuter und Jos Wolff (L) in Heidelberg
In Heidelberg die Mitgliederversammlung 2018 der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Maximaphilie und Ansichtskarten statt. Die Herren Rudolf Häring, Vorsitzender der Arbeitsgemeinschaft und Günter Formery, Geschäftsführer und Redakteur der Zeitschrift Maximaphilie und Philokartie Report gegrüßten die anwesenden Teilnehmer. Von Luxemburg waren die HH. Jean-Louise Reuter und Jos Wolff anwesend. Die Tagesordnung bestand aus 17 Punkte, unteranderem: die Berichte der Vorstandsmitglieder über die Tätigkeiten im Berichtszeitraum, dem Geschäftsführer, Redakteur und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Bericht der Kassenprüfer, Etablierung eines “Tags der Ansichtskarte” im BDPh, Ehrungen usw. Im Verlauf der Mitgliederversammlung der Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Maximaphilie & Philokartie am 7. Juli 2018 konnten
Jos Wolf, RDP, Ehrenpräsident der FIP und Präsident der FSPL (links), mit der BDPh-(Bund Deutscher Philatelisten e.V.) Verdienstnadel für Verdienste um Forschung und Literatur in Silber,Jean-Louis Reuter, mit der BDPh-Verdienstnadel in Bronze und Günter Formery, AMPh-Ehrenvorsitzender und Mitglied in einem FSPL-Verein (Mitte) mit der AMPh-Verdienstmedaille und Ehrenurkunden ausgezeichnet werden.
Foto: Horst Niedermeier/D
Teilnehmer: Von links: K. Schubert, J.-L. Reuter, G. Formery, W. Zimmermann, D. Schaile, R. Martienß, Jos Wolff, Ehrenmitglied, K.-P. Binanzer (vorne), T. Wolf, R. Häring, E. Kuntz, P. Riedl, W. Koksch, D. Glaser, H. Niedermeier und J. Noll.
Foto: Henri Wolff/L
Im Jahr 2020 findet die Mitgliederversammlung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Maximaphilie und Ansichtskarten, während einer Nationaler Briefmarkenausstellung in Ettelbrück statt.
Jos Wolff
Great success of MACAO 2018
Opening Ceremony
“MACAO 2018 – 35th Asian International Stamp Exhibition” was successfully completed on 24th September, 2018 with the exhibition period of 21st to 24th September at Cotai Expo Hall A at The Venetian Macao. It was co-organized by Macao Post & Telecommunications Bureau and the Macao Philatelic Club. It was the first great international philatelic event in Asia organized by Macao Special Administrative Region.
There were 23 countries or regions of overseas postal administrations or stamp dealers and of local cultural and creative industries with a total of 42 booths participating in this event. Over 1000 frames of the FIAP members’ philatelic collections were on display. Competitive exhibits had nine classes, namely championship, traditional, postal history, postal stationery, thematic, youth, literature, one frame and modern philately.
Youth in Macao 2018
During the exhibition period, it was classified into four different thematic days including Postal Savings Day, Stamps Day, Letters Writing Day and Festive Day. The venue has been divided to several areas, such as Exhibition Area, Treasure Gallery, Pillar Boxes, Sales Booths, Sales Booths of Macao Cultural & Creative Industries, Macao Post & Telecommunications Bureau Sales Booth and Stamp Vending Machines area.
For special stamp issues, three unique stamp sets of “MACAO 2018 – 35th Asian International Stamp Exhibition” were issued on the themes of authentic food, festivals, famous streets and landmarks. Apart from the “Macao 2018 – 35th Asian International Stamp Exhibition (I)” that had been issued on 1st March, the label stamp “Macao 2018 – 35th Asian International Stamp Exhibition (II)” was issued on the opening day, 21st September and the “Macao 2018 – 35th Asian International Stamp Exhibition (III)” was issued on 23rd September. The designers’ autograph sessions were held at noon on 21st and 23rd September.
Furthermore, “DIY Postcard” Vending Machine was first put into service for printing self-portraits and greetings on the postcards as an exclusive souvenir. Special Edition of Personalized Stamp – “Joy” was available to print on site. Besides, a Venetian temporary postmark was used for mailing cancellation as well.
In order to strengthen industry exchanges and establish a communication platform, “Macao 2018” has arranged a number of seminars in the course of the Stamps Exhibition, including “Greeting from “Kingdom of Stamps” Liechtenstein”, “Art in Miniature – Seminar on Macao Stamps Design”. Furthermore, there were sessions of “An Introduction to Printing & Technology of Stamps”, “Facilitating the development of inclusive finance and green finance on the Digital Silk Road: Fintech’s potential positive impact” and “Applying Blockchain in Real Business Scenarios”. At the same time, the awards ceremonies of “Macao Postal Savings Grants Program 2017/2018”, “Creative Savings Box Construction Contest”, “Draw My Story of Stamps Contest”, “47th International Letter – Writing Competition for Young People” and “Macao2018 – 35th Asian International Stamp Exhibition – Youth Philately” awards ceremonies were presented as well.
On the Palmares Night of “MACAO 2018 – 35th Asian International Stamp Exhibition” Award Ceremony, the winners of prizes were announced. They are: Grand Prix d’ Honneur, Grand Prix International, Grand Prix National, 6 Large Gold Medal, 19 Gold Medal, 54 Large Vermeil Medal, 50 Vermeil Medal, 38 Large Silver Medal, 22 Silver Medal, 22 Silver Bronze Medal and 18 Bronze Medal of 9 classes were also awarded. Macao contestants won the 32 award of 5 philately.
Although the size of stamp is quite small, it serves as a carrier of promoting cultures. The “MACAO 2018 – 35th Asian International Stamp Exhibition” had played an important role as a “bridge” for enhancing cultural and economic exchanges among countries and regions, to further achieve synergy effects, and further maximize stamp collection’s unique advantage with an aim to enable cultural practices passed on from generation to generation.