Portrait of Emperor Maximilian I by Albrecht Dürer. Right side: view of his home town, Wiener Neustadt
The Exhibition, with international participation, will commemorate the 500 Anniversary of the death of Emperor Maximilian of Austria. It will be held in Wiener Neustadt, the home city of the Emperor, from the 18th to the 20th of October 2019, organized by the Briefmarkensammlerverein Wiener Neustadt.
The FEPA Board agreed unanimously in granting the requested FEPA Recognition.
Philatelic commemoration of the 450 Anniversary in 1969
https://fepanews.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/Vista-de-wiener-neustadt-e1526589716315.jpg133200José Ramón Morenohttps://fepanews.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/fepanews_logo-107x138-1.pngJosé Ramón Moreno2018-03-25 23:42:072018-05-17 23:42:36New FEPA International Exhibition in Austria in 2019: ÖVEBRIA 2019
At the Congress of the Italian Federation of Philatelic Societies held at Milanofil on the 24th of March, FEPA Vice-President Giancarlo Morolli has received a recognition created especially for him. As he had already signed in 1989 the Roll of Honor of the Italian Philately, the highest award of the Federation, he was presented a Diploma of Honor in acknowledgment of 50 years of continuous service as FSFI delegate. Giancarlo was appointed delegate to the Thematic Commission on 11 March 1968 and attended as observer the FIP Congress at Praga 68. At the end of four decades in such commission (27 years as chairman) he has taken over the task of FSFI delegate for International Affairs.
Our warmest congratulations Giancarlo!
https://fepanews.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/Morolli-recognition-Italian-federation-small-e1526589226540.jpg200200José Ramón Morenohttps://fepanews.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/fepanews_logo-107x138-1.pngJosé Ramón Moreno2018-03-24 23:34:002018-05-17 23:34:27Giancarlo Morolli received a recognition created especially for him at the Congress of the Italian Federation
The VII Congress of the Union of Philatelists of Russia has taken place in Moscow on February 24th. The summary reports of the President of the Union Ilyushin A.S. were heard out by delegates. The positive evaluation of the Presidium’s activity for the last four years has been given after debates.
Alexander ILYUSHIN has been elected as the Honorary President of the Union of Philatelists of Russia with a casting vote right on executive meetings of the Union for his strong contribution to the development of national philately.
Afterwards elections of the new President and Executive Board of the Union of Philatelists of Russia were held. Mr. Sergey EVTUSHENKO has become the new President after the VII Congress.
Elected Vice-Presidents of the Presidium of the Executive Board:
Aleksei BORODIN (Moscow)
Vladimir DEVYATOV (Izhevsk)
Elected members of the Presidium of the Executive Board:
Mikhail DYMSCHITS (Moscow)
Valery KREPOSTNOV (Kirov)
Vladimir LEBEDEV (Tula)
Mikhail MALGIN (Tver)
Arsen MELITONYAN (Moscow)
Demid USTINOV (Ulyanovsk)
Sergey FILATOV (Perm)
Konstantin FILOBOK (Moscow)
Work of the Congress
Congratulations with our best wishes for success !
https://fepanews.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/Russia-congress-2018-small-e1526588566387.jpg150200José Ramón Morenohttps://fepanews.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/fepanews_logo-107x138-1.pngJosé Ramón Moreno2018-03-23 23:22:042018-05-17 23:23:38Congress of the Union of Philatelists of Russia: Sergey EVTUSHENKO elected new President
New FEPA International Exhibition in Austria in 2019: ÖVEBRIA 2019
Portrait of Emperor Maximilian I by Albrecht Dürer. Right side: view of his home town, Wiener Neustadt
The Exhibition, with international participation, will commemorate the 500 Anniversary of the death of Emperor Maximilian of Austria. It will be held in Wiener Neustadt, the home city of the Emperor, from the 18th to the 20th of October 2019, organized by the Briefmarkensammlerverein Wiener Neustadt.
The FEPA Board agreed unanimously in granting the requested FEPA Recognition.
Philatelic commemoration of the 450 Anniversary in 1969
More information will appears when available at:
Giancarlo Morolli received a recognition created especially for him at the Congress of the Italian Federation
At the Congress of the Italian Federation of Philatelic Societies held at Milanofil on the 24th of March, FEPA Vice-President Giancarlo Morolli has received a recognition created especially for him. As he had already signed in 1989 the Roll of Honor of the Italian Philately, the highest award of the Federation, he was presented a Diploma of Honor in acknowledgment of 50 years of continuous service as FSFI delegate. Giancarlo was appointed delegate to the Thematic Commission on 11 March 1968 and attended as observer the FIP Congress at Praga 68. At the end of four decades in such commission (27 years as chairman) he has taken over the task of FSFI delegate for International Affairs.
Our warmest congratulations Giancarlo!
Congress of the Union of Philatelists of Russia: Sergey EVTUSHENKO elected new President
News from Russia
The VII Congress of the Union of Philatelists of Russia has taken place in Moscow on February 24th. The summary reports of the President of the Union Ilyushin A.S. were heard out by delegates. The positive evaluation of the Presidium’s activity for the last four years has been given after debates.
Alexander ILYUSHIN has been elected as the Honorary President of the Union of Philatelists of Russia with a casting vote right on executive meetings of the Union for his strong contribution to the development of national philately.
Afterwards elections of the new President and Executive Board of the Union of Philatelists of Russia were held. Mr. Sergey EVTUSHENKO has become the new President after the VII Congress.
Elected Vice-Presidents of the Presidium of the Executive Board:
Aleksei BORODIN (Moscow)
Vladimir DEVYATOV (Izhevsk)
Elected members of the Presidium of the Executive Board:
Mikhail DYMSCHITS (Moscow)
Valery KREPOSTNOV (Kirov)
Vladimir LEBEDEV (Tula)
Mikhail MALGIN (Tver)
Arsen MELITONYAN (Moscow)
Demid USTINOV (Ulyanovsk)
Sergey FILATOV (Perm)
Konstantin FILOBOK (Moscow)
Work of the Congress
Congratulations with our best wishes for success !