During a General Meeting in the Belgium Academy of Philatelic FEPA President Jørgen Jørgensen presented the FEPA Award 2010 for exceptional study and research to the author team behind the MonacoPhil 2009 Catalogue. All the authors are members of the Belgium Academy of Philatelic.
The author-team behind the MonacoPhil 2009 Catalogue, from left to right: Dr Jacques Stes, Vincent Schouberechts, Pierre Kaiser, Luc Van Pamel, Jørgen Jørgensen (FEPA), Léo Tavano, Claude Delbeke and Patric Maselis.
Press Release
International exhibition in London in 2015
London is to host a European stamp exhibition in 2015, from 13 to 16 May. The venue will be the Business Design Centre in London’s Islington, which proved so ideal for the highly successful London 2010 international stamp exhibition.
The exhibition, LONDON 2015 EUROPHILEX, will be open all philatelic associations that are members of FEPA, the European Federation of Philatelic Associations. There will be a wide range of stand-holders, plus about 1,200 frames of competitive exhibits.
A Steering Committee has been established, chaired by Bill Hedley, with Frank Walton as Vice-Chairman. The Committee also includes Brian Trotter, who was Chairman of the London 2010 international stamp exhibition. The event has the support of the British Philatelic Trust.
Note to Editors:
London 2010 was a full-world international stamp exhibition. The event planned for 2015 will be a European exhibition, for which the competitive exhibits will come from collectors who are members of philatelic associations affiliated to FEPA. The stand-holders and visitors will naturally be welcome from all parts of the world.
The exhibition is being organised under the aegis of Stamp World Exhibitions, a company established to organise Stamp World London 90, and which was involved with both The Stamp Show 2000 and London 2010.
It is fully anticipated that LONDON 2015 EUROPHILEX will receive both FEPA patronage and FIP recognition.
For clarification on any aspect of this Press Release, please contact Richard West.
September 2011
Jos Wolff, Honorary President of the FIP, is conferred a prestigious Order
Published: July 11, 2011
News from the Fédération des Sociétés philatéliques du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg.
On June 23d, 2011, H.R.H. Grand-Duke Henri conferred the “Ordre de mérite civil et militaire d’Adolphe de Nassau” in the rank of an “Officier” to FIP Honorary President and FSPL President Jos Wolff.
Officer Jos Wolff with the Diploma and the Order.
FEPA NEWS No 19 – June 2011
Published: June 24, 2011
FEPA NEWS No 19 is now on its way to your Federation. It is available for download here. Do your philatelic friends a favour – tell them about this opportunity.
Thematic Seminar in Opatija during ALPE-ADRIA FILA 2011
Published: April 24, 2011
More than 30 jurors and exhibitors attended the Thematic Seminar given by Jose Ramon Moreno assisted by Giancarlo Morolli in Opatija – 17 April 2011.
The Thematic Seminar given Sunday morning after the Palmares attracted more than 30 jurors and exhibitiors. It was given in a beautiful building “Villa Angiolina” situated next to the exhibition ALPE-ADRIA PHILA 2011.
Jose Ramon Moreno, Secretary of the FIP Commission for Thematic Philately, guided the attendants through the many articles in the Thematic Regulations and Guidelines in a lively and well structured presentation based on interactive communications with the many listeners.
You can download the presentations here: Part one 12,46 MB and part two 2,2 MB.
Giancarlo Morolli former President of the FIP Commission for Thematic Philately draw on his extencive experience and added comments to the presentation.
ALPE-ADRIA PHILA 2011 welcomes you
Published: March 31, 2011
Marco Markica – the Mascott of ALPE-ADRIA PHILA 2011 arrived a few days ago to Opatija.
Read the Greetings from the President of the Organizing Committe Ivan Libric and the Progam of the exhibition.
Ludwik Malendowicz, Marisa Giannini and Patrick Maselis are the recipients of the FEPA Medals 2010
Published: March 14, 2011
The FEPA Board analyzed the proposals received from the member Federations for the FEPA Medals 2010 in its meeting in Prague on 29 January 2011.The recipients of the FEPA awards are:
FEPA Medal 2010 for exceptional service to organized philately:
Ludwik Malendowicz (Poland), President of the Union of Polish Philatelists.
Marisa Giannini, Director of Philatelic Division, Poste Italiane.
FEPA Medal for exceptional philatelic study and research:
Patrick Maselis (Belgium), editor and co-author of the Catalogue of MonacoPhil 2009 published by the Club de Monte-Carlo. All the other co-authors of this research: Messrs Stes, Delbeke, Schouberects, Tavano, Huys, Kaiser, Van Pamel and Slabbinck, will receive a Certificate of Appreciation will receive a Diploma.
The FEPA Board took also in consideration the following works:
Harry von Hoffmann (Germany): Estland vor dem und als Teil vom Generalpostkommissariat Ostland published by the author.
Luciano Calenda (Italy): Dante’s Inferno co-authored with other 33 members of the Centro Italiano di Filatelia Tematica (publisher).
FEPA Certificate of Appreciation for outstanding activities for the promotion of philately to:
Dear Presidents
It is a pleasure for me to send you this letter with the agenda and all documents related to the items on the agenda.
Beside this introductory letter the documents are the following:
Convocation including agenda
Report 2010, president Jørgensen
Report 2010, vice president Moreno
Report 2010, secretary Bracic
Report 2010, director Vanicek
Report 2010, director Morolli
Report 2010, treasurer Kraner
Financial Statements 2010 including budget 2011 and 2012
Report of the Auditor Horin
10. Form for Registration of Congress Delegates
FEPA Awards – Press release
For FEPA it is extremely important that all Member-Federations are present at the Congress personally or by proxy.
The exhibition “ALPE-ADRIA 2011 OPATIJA” will be in Hotel Kvarner and Art Pavilion “Sporer”
The FEPA Congress will be at Villa Angiolina. Hotel Mozart is nominated to be “The official hotel”. Further hotels are listed in FEPA NEWS no 18 page 56.
More information is available from www.hfs-cpf.hr/alpeadria2011.hr.
How to reach Opatija. Please don’t forget to inform the organizers if you are interested in the Shuttle Bus service from and to Zagreb Airport.
Palmares will be in Golden Hall of the Hotel Imperial – 50 meters away from Hotel Mozart. Tickets are available at the exhibition for 45 EUR.
FEPA Thematic Seminar on Sunday 17 April 10 a.m. in Villa Angiolina. The seminar that will be conducted by José-Ramon Moreno with the collaboration of Giancarlo Morolli is open to all.
If any questions – then please contact me immediately.
I am looking forward seeing you in Opatija.
Best wishes
Jørgen Jørgensen
Published: February 26, 2011
—– A short report from the first 2011 World Stamp Exhibition INDIPEX 2011 including the palmares is available here (link broken).
More information on the official website: www.indipex2011.com.
News from Germany
Published: February 4, 2011
You can meet a team from BDPh at Didacta 2011 in Stuttgart – Hall 9, Stand G 55. Under the motto “We give you lessons” the team will demonstrate material from the publication series “stamp + education” a set of teaching materials focussing on different subjects. See the Press Release in German below (link broken).
News from France
Published: February 4, 2011
Message from the “Team ffap” dated 19 January 2011:
Le site de la FFAP n’a pas connu la trêve des confiseurs, le travail continue. Ce site web n’est pas seulement un annuaire des associations, annuaire très important qui, grâce au travail d’Irène, comporte plus de 3.000 entrées http://www.ffap.net/Regions/index.php
ce n’est pas, non plus, seulement l’agenda des manifestations tenu à jour par Dominique http://www.ffap.net/Agenda/index.php
c’est aussi un outil d’aide aux philatélistes débutants ou confirmés.
Dans ce but les pages de téléchargements de documents officiels ou
d’informations viennent d’être actualisées: http://www.ffap.net/Documents/
La rubrique questions/réponses connaît un certain succès,
malheureusement les trop nombreuses questions restées sans réponse
risquent entamer la confiance ou la patience des visiteurs : http://www.ffap.net/Conseils/Question.php
merci d’aller y jeter un oeil.
Enfin une rubrique est en plein essor grâce au travail de Marc:
celle du recensement des articles de La Philatélie Française
avec un index de plus de 1.500 entrées avec recherche par thèmes et mots-clés : http://www.ffap.net/Revue/Articles_LPF.php
Quelques articles extraits de la revue ont récemment commencé à être mis en ligne.
La rubrique consacrée aux expositions connaît un réel succès auprès des collectionneurs,
tout au moins ceux qui ont une adresse de messagerie internet et qui reçoivent
un avis personnel dans l’heure qui suit la proclamation des résultats. http://www.ffap.net/Expositions/Competition.php
Les données du championnat de France 2011 à Metz sont en cours de saisie par Yvette
et Alain met en ligne les collections exposées en international.
Plusieurs candidats se sont manifestés pour présenter leurs collections sur le site: http://www.ffap.net/Collections/
mais si les scanners tournent sans relâche, la mise ne ligne est encore un peu plus lente.
https://fepanews.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/fepanews_logo-107x138-1.png00Ari Muhonenhttps://fepanews.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/fepanews_logo-107x138-1.pngAri Muhonen2011-12-31 13:51:372017-11-14 22:34:37News of the year 2011
You don’t need to wait for the printed version of FEPA NEWS, the whole magazine is already available here on the website. Do your philatelic friends a favour – tell them about this possibility!
Call for Candidates to the 2010 FEPA Awards
Published: October 14, 2010
Read the procedures to be followed when nominating candidates for 2010 and see the winners of FEPA Awards and FEPA Certificates of Appreciation from previous years.
71st FIP Congress in Lisbon
Published: October 14, 2010
After the elections at the 71st FIP Congress in Lisbon, Sunday 10th October 2010 – the members of the FIP Board are:
Tay, Peng Hian – President
Surajit Gongvatana – Vice President
Peter McCann – Vice president
Jussi Tuori – Vice President
Bernard Beston – Director
Paulo Gomelli – Director
Bernard Jimenez – Director
Change of FIP Statues.
The following motions passed the Congress:
Article 24.2 – this article was abolished.
Article 30.4 – the wording of this article was changed to:
All Continental Federations are to be represented on the FIP Board by a minimum of one Vice President and one Director.
Open Class:
The Open Class stays another 2 year as an Experimental Class.
European Championship in Thematic Philately (ECTP) 2011
Published: September 12, 2010
Once again ECTP 2011 will be organized in Essen by the Association of Philatelists in North-Rhine-Westphalia.
The “Call for Exhibits” can be downloaded here (link broken).
The Application Form can be downloaded here (link broken).
ECTP is recognized by The European Federation of Philatelic Federations (FEPA) as official European Championship for Thematic Philately.
Published: September 12, 2010
Alliance of Civilizations
International Philatelic Exhibition
Will be held in the Museum of Turkish and Islamic Arts in the Ibrahim Pasa Palace in Istanbul from 5 to 15 December 2010. The exhibition is part of the Istanbul 2010 European Capital of Culture Project.
Istanbul 2010 is open to all collectors and collections restricted to the timeframe 1840-1940 relating to the Ottoman Empire and the Turkish Republic. For more details please inspect the Bulletin.
More information on the official website: www.istanbul2010exhibition.com (link broken).
From Monuments to Collectibles
Published: August 16, 2010
At the FEPA Congress in Essen in 2009 it was decided – at future FEPA Congresses – to devote more time for discussion of our core business “the development of philately”.
The first try were the FEPA Congress in Antwerp. Here Giancarlo Morolli chaired a discussion labeled “From Monuments to Collectibles”.
The following documents from the discussions are now available:
Introduction and presentation by Giancarlo Morolli, FEPA Director (link broken).
It is important to stay updated about new trends within the area discussed above. YOU are most welcome to share your knowledge and experience with other philatelists.
All relevant contribution sent to jrgen@jrgensen.dk will be published on www.fepanews.com.
The Roll of Distinguished Philatelists
Published: April 7, 2010
Six new Signatories:
Kees Adema (NL)
Hugo Goeggel (CH)
Wolf Hess (DE)
Giancarlo Morolli (IT)
Wade E. Saadi (US)
Brian Trotter (GB)
have been asked to sign The Roll of Distinguised Philatelists.
The Signing Ceremony will take place Friday 23rd July, during the 2010 Philatelic Congress of Great Britain.
FEPA Medal 2009 for exceptional service to organized philately
Published: March 2, 2010
Dr. Alan Huggins, RDP, founding Chairman of FEPA, has been awarded the FEPA Medal 2009 for his exceptional service to organized philately.
Dr. Alan Huggins has been extremely prominent in European Philately for many, many years. His position as Founding Chairman of FEPA is one aspect of his truly outstanding services to FEPA, as well as that as Chairman of the Postal Stationery Commission of FIP.
A Distinguished Philatelist, he was the chairman of the Royal Philatelic Society and the Great Britain Society.
FEPA Medal 2009 for exceptional philatelic study and research
Published: March 2, 2010
Nino Aquilla and Francesco Orlando (Italy) is awarded the FEPA Medal 2009 for exceptional philatelic study and research with “Sicilia – I timbri del nuovo Re” (Sicily – The postmarks of the new King) published by Giulio Bolaffi.
Nino Aquila and Francesco Orlando recieved the “Best in Class” award for their book at Italia 2009 in Rome.
Published: February 24, 2010
The Organizing Committee has informed as follows:
PHILALUX 2010: Modification of date !
Out of organisational reasons, the PHILALUX 2010 Organizing Committee has decided that the European stamp exhibition will not be held from July 1st to 4th 2010, but will be postponed to April 28th to May 1st 2011.
We are aware that your Federation and your national commissioner might have some additional work but we will try to limit this work to a strict minimum. We hope that your Federation will still support PHILALUX 2011!
First of all, we would like to ask you to confirm the national commissioner from your country or nominate a new one for PHILALUX 2011. The same applies to the jury members you nominated. This information must be sent by mail to the Commissioner General (joswolff@gmail.com) or to the Assistant Commissioner General (feckclau@pt.lu) before May 1st 2010.
As soon as your commissioner will be registered, we will send out the modified IREX (only changes of date) for PHILALUX 2011.
The registration forms for classes 2, 3, 4 and 6 (Traditional, Postal History, Thematic and One-Frame) that we have received for PHILALUX 2010 will be taken into consideration for PHILALUX 2011. Within a few weeks, your national commissioner will receive a list with these exhibits. We kindly ask to confirm that the owners of the listed collections still want to participate at PHILALUX 2011. The national commissioner has also the possibility to nominate new exhibits. If he wants to nominate new exhibits, he must ask for new entry forms and they will be sent to him.
The entry forms that we have received for classes 5 and 7 (Literature, Youth) till today are cancelled (date of publication, change from group A to B, …) . New entry forms are required for those two classes.
Kind regards,
Jos Wolff, President & Commissioner General
Emile Espen, Vice President
Claude Feck, Assistant Commissioner General
Published: January 19, 2010
You can read most of the major articles here (link broken).
View Content – Topics in Blue are already accessible (link broken).
Candidates to the 2009 FEPA Awards
Published: January 9, 2010
The following information has been distributed by e-mail to all member Federations:
“Dear President,
I am pleased to send you the Regulations and Procedures for the 2009 FEPA Medal, Awards and Certificates of Appreciation .
Kindly note that the nominations should reach me not later than 15 December 2009.
Please do not send any book until the Board has made the first selection. Just fill the proposal in detail as explained in the attached paper.
In case you send me nominations via regular post please send me also an e-mail with a scan of the proposals and the related form for the certificates. This way we could reduce the risk of missing an answer due to the heavy postal traffic before Christmas.
Yours sincerely,
Giancarlo Morolli
FEPA Director”
Click here to read the procedures to be followed for nomination of the candidates for the FEPA Medal and the Certificates of Appreciation (link broken).
https://fepanews.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/fepanews_logo-107x138-1.png00Ari Muhonenhttps://fepanews.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/fepanews_logo-107x138-1.pngAri Muhonen2010-12-31 12:07:562017-11-14 22:35:15News of the year 2010
At the previous Congress’ in Vienna and in Essen we discussed to combine the annual Congress with a Philatelic Meeting. In Antwerp this meeting will be held on Monday 12 April – the last day of the exhibition. The Federations are free to invite collectors interested in attending these meeting – so please make sure that your Federation will be represented at this hopefully first in a sequence of Philatelic Meetings.
In the second part of Director Morolli’s report that covers “the philatelic meeting on Monday” and “exhibitions” are information that can’t be release for the time being. This report will be send to you as soon as possible.
If any questions – then please contact me immediately.
I am looking forward seeing you in Antwerp.
Best wishes
Jørgen Jørgensen
https://fepanews.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/fepanews_logo-107x138-1.png00Bill Hedleyhttps://fepanews.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/fepanews_logo-107x138-1.pngBill Hedley2010-01-27 15:52:112023-05-25 12:59:10FEPA Congress in Antwerp 11 April 2010
News of the year 2011
Published: November 1, 2011
During a General Meeting in the Belgium Academy of Philatelic FEPA President Jørgen Jørgensen presented the FEPA Award 2010 for exceptional study and research to the author team behind the MonacoPhil 2009 Catalogue. All the authors are members of the Belgium Academy of Philatelic.
The author-team behind the MonacoPhil 2009 Catalogue, from left to right: Dr Jacques Stes, Vincent Schouberechts, Pierre Kaiser, Luc Van Pamel, Jørgen Jørgensen (FEPA), Léo Tavano, Claude Delbeke and Patric Maselis.
See a presentation of the Catalogue here.
Published: September 20, 2011
Press Release
International exhibition in London in 2015
London is to host a European stamp exhibition in 2015, from 13 to 16 May. The venue will be the Business Design Centre in London’s Islington, which proved so ideal for the highly successful London 2010 international stamp exhibition.
The exhibition, LONDON 2015 EUROPHILEX, will be open all philatelic associations that are members of FEPA, the European Federation of Philatelic Associations. There will be a wide range of stand-holders, plus about 1,200 frames of competitive exhibits.
A Steering Committee has been established, chaired by Bill Hedley, with Frank Walton as Vice-Chairman. The Committee also includes Brian Trotter, who was Chairman of the London 2010 international stamp exhibition. The event has the support of the British Philatelic Trust.
Note to Editors:
London 2010 was a full-world international stamp exhibition. The event planned for 2015 will be a European exhibition, for which the competitive exhibits will come from collectors who are members of philatelic associations affiliated to FEPA. The stand-holders and visitors will naturally be welcome from all parts of the world.
The exhibition is being organised under the aegis of Stamp World Exhibitions, a company established to organise Stamp World London 90, and which was involved with both The Stamp Show 2000 and London 2010.
It is fully anticipated that LONDON 2015 EUROPHILEX will receive both FEPA patronage and FIP recognition.
For clarification on any aspect of this Press Release, please contact Richard West.
September 2011
Jos Wolff, Honorary President of the FIP, is conferred a prestigious Order
Published: July 11, 2011
News from the Fédération des Sociétés philatéliques du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg.
On June 23d, 2011, H.R.H. Grand-Duke Henri conferred the “Ordre de mérite civil et militaire d’Adolphe de Nassau” in the rank of an “Officier” to FIP Honorary President and FSPL President Jos Wolff.
Officer Jos Wolff with the Diploma and the Order.
FEPA NEWS No 19 – June 2011
Published: June 24, 2011
FEPA NEWS No 19 is now on its way to your Federation. It is available for download here. Do your philatelic friends a favour – tell them about this opportunity.
Thematic Seminar in Opatija during ALPE-ADRIA FILA 2011
Published: April 24, 2011
More than 30 jurors and exhibitors attended the Thematic Seminar given by Jose Ramon Moreno assisted by Giancarlo Morolli in Opatija – 17 April 2011.
The Thematic Seminar given Sunday morning after the Palmares attracted more than 30 jurors and exhibitiors. It was given in a beautiful building “Villa Angiolina” situated next to the exhibition ALPE-ADRIA PHILA 2011.
Jose Ramon Moreno, Secretary of the FIP Commission for Thematic Philately, guided the attendants through the many articles in the Thematic Regulations and Guidelines in a lively and well structured presentation based on interactive communications with the many listeners.
You can download the presentations here: Part one 12,46 MB and part two 2,2 MB.
Giancarlo Morolli former President of the FIP Commission for Thematic Philately draw on his extencive experience and added comments to the presentation.
ALPE-ADRIA PHILA 2011 welcomes you
Published: March 31, 2011
Marco Markica – the Mascott of ALPE-ADRIA PHILA 2011 arrived a few days ago to Opatija.
Read the Greetings from the President of the Organizing Committe Ivan Libric and the Progam of the exhibition.
See the latest photo’s from Opatija.
Ludwik Malendowicz, Marisa Giannini and Patrick Maselis are the recipients of the FEPA Medals 2010
Published: March 14, 2011
The FEPA Board analyzed the proposals received from the member Federations for the FEPA Medals 2010 in its meeting in Prague on 29 January 2011.The recipients of the FEPA awards are:
FEPA Medal 2010 for exceptional service to organized philately:
FEPA Medal for exceptional philatelic study and research:
The FEPA Board took also in consideration the following works:
FEPA Certificate of Appreciation for outstanding activities for the promotion of philately to:
27th FEPA Congress – Opatija in Croatia
Published: February 26, 2011
FEPA Congress in Opatija 16 April 2011 10.00 a.m.
Dear Presidents
It is a pleasure for me to send you this letter with the agenda and all documents related to the items on the agenda.
Beside this introductory letter the documents are the following:
Convocation including agenda
Report 2010, president Jørgensen
Report 2010, vice president Moreno
Report 2010, secretary Bracic
Report 2010, director Vanicek
Report 2010, director Morolli
Report 2010, treasurer Kraner
Financial Statements 2010 including budget 2011 and 2012
Report of the Auditor Horin
10. Form for Registration of Congress Delegates
FEPA Awards – Press release
For FEPA it is extremely important that all Member-Federations are present at the Congress personally or by proxy.
The exhibition “ALPE-ADRIA 2011 OPATIJA” will be in Hotel Kvarner and Art Pavilion “Sporer”
The FEPA Congress will be at Villa Angiolina. Hotel Mozart is nominated to be “The official hotel”. Further hotels are listed in FEPA NEWS no 18 page 56.
More information is available from www.hfs-cpf.hr/alpeadria2011.hr.
How to reach Opatija. Please don’t forget to inform the organizers if you are interested in the Shuttle Bus service from and to Zagreb Airport.
Palmares will be in Golden Hall of the Hotel Imperial – 50 meters away from Hotel Mozart. Tickets are available at the exhibition for 45 EUR.
FEPA Thematic Seminar on Sunday 17 April 10 a.m. in Villa Angiolina. The seminar that will be conducted by José-Ramon Moreno with the collaboration of Giancarlo Morolli is open to all.
If any questions – then please contact me immediately.
I am looking forward seeing you in Opatija.
Best wishes
Jørgen Jørgensen
Published: February 26, 2011
—– A short report from the first 2011 World Stamp Exhibition INDIPEX 2011 including the palmares is available here (link broken).
More information on the official website: www.indipex2011.com.
News from Germany
Published: February 4, 2011
You can meet a team from BDPh at Didacta 2011 in Stuttgart – Hall 9, Stand G 55. Under the motto “We give you lessons” the team will demonstrate material from the publication series “stamp + education” a set of teaching materials focussing on different subjects. See the Press Release in German below (link broken).
News from France
Published: February 4, 2011
Message from the “Team ffap” dated 19 January 2011:
Le site de la FFAP n’a pas connu la trêve des confiseurs, le travail continue. Ce site web n’est pas seulement un annuaire des associations, annuaire très important qui, grâce au travail d’Irène, comporte plus de 3.000 entrées
ce n’est pas, non plus, seulement l’agenda des manifestations tenu à jour par Dominique
c’est aussi un outil d’aide aux philatélistes débutants ou confirmés.
Dans ce but les pages de téléchargements de documents officiels ou
d’informations viennent d’être actualisées: http://www.ffap.net/Documents/
La page consacrée à la Fête du timbre tenue par Jacques met en ligne
des documents utiles à sa préparation
La rubrique questions/réponses connaît un certain succès,
malheureusement les trop nombreuses questions restées sans réponse
risquent entamer la confiance ou la patience des visiteurs :
merci d’aller y jeter un oeil.
Enfin une rubrique est en plein essor grâce au travail de Marc:
celle du recensement des articles de La Philatélie Française
avec un index de plus de 1.500 entrées avec recherche par thèmes et mots-clés :
Quelques articles extraits de la revue ont récemment commencé à être mis en ligne.
La rubrique consacrée aux expositions connaît un réel succès auprès des collectionneurs,
tout au moins ceux qui ont une adresse de messagerie internet et qui reçoivent
un avis personnel dans l’heure qui suit la proclamation des résultats.
Les données du championnat de France 2011 à Metz sont en cours de saisie par Yvette
et Alain met en ligne les collections exposées en international.
De son côté Martine s’efforce de vous donner quotidiennement un aperçu de la revue de presse
concernant votre loisir préféré :
Plusieurs candidats se sont manifestés pour présenter leurs collections sur le site:
mais si les scanners tournent sans relâche, la mise ne ligne est encore un peu plus lente.
News of the year 2010
FEPA NEWS No 18 – December 2010 is on the Street
Published: December 5, 2010
You don’t need to wait for the printed version of FEPA NEWS, the whole magazine is already available here on the website. Do your philatelic friends a favour – tell them about this possibility!
Call for Candidates to the 2010 FEPA Awards
Published: October 14, 2010
Read the procedures to be followed when nominating candidates for 2010 and see the winners of FEPA Awards and FEPA Certificates of Appreciation from previous years.
71st FIP Congress in Lisbon
Published: October 14, 2010
After the elections at the 71st FIP Congress in Lisbon, Sunday 10th October 2010 – the members of the FIP Board are:
Tay, Peng Hian – President
Surajit Gongvatana – Vice President
Peter McCann – Vice president
Jussi Tuori – Vice President
Bernard Beston – Director
Paulo Gomelli – Director
Bernard Jimenez – Director
Change of FIP Statues.
The following motions passed the Congress:
Article 24.2 – this article was abolished.
Article 30.4 – the wording of this article was changed to:
All Continental Federations are to be represented on the FIP Board by a minimum of one Vice President and one Director.
Open Class:
The Open Class stays another 2 year as an Experimental Class.
European Championship in Thematic Philately (ECTP) 2011
Published: September 12, 2010
Once again ECTP 2011 will be organized in Essen by the Association of Philatelists in North-Rhine-Westphalia.
The “Call for Exhibits” can be downloaded here (link broken).
The Application Form can be downloaded here (link broken).
ECTP is recognized by The European Federation of Philatelic Federations (FEPA) as official European Championship for Thematic Philately.
Published: September 12, 2010
Alliance of Civilizations
International Philatelic Exhibition
Will be held in the Museum of Turkish and Islamic Arts in the Ibrahim Pasa Palace in Istanbul from 5 to 15 December 2010. The exhibition is part of the Istanbul 2010 European Capital of Culture Project.
Istanbul 2010 is open to all collectors and collections restricted to the timeframe 1840-1940 relating to the Ottoman Empire and the Turkish Republic. For more details please inspect the Bulletin.
More information on the official website: www.istanbul2010exhibition.com (link broken).
From Monuments to Collectibles
Published: August 16, 2010
At the FEPA Congress in Essen in 2009 it was decided – at future FEPA Congresses – to devote more time for discussion of our core business “the development of philately”.
The first try were the FEPA Congress in Antwerp. Here Giancarlo Morolli chaired a discussion labeled “From Monuments to Collectibles”.
The following documents from the discussions are now available:
Introduction and presentation by Giancarlo Morolli, FEPA Director (link broken).
Presentation by Ulrike Radl, Austrian Post
Presentation by Bojan Bracic, FEPA Secretary.
Report prepared after the meeting by Giancarlo Morolli.
It is important to stay updated about new trends within the area discussed above. YOU are most welcome to share your knowledge and experience with other philatelists.
All relevant contribution sent to jrgen@jrgensen.dk will be published on www.fepanews.com.
The Roll of Distinguished Philatelists
Published: April 7, 2010
Six new Signatories:
have been asked to sign The Roll of Distinguised Philatelists.
The Signing Ceremony will take place Friday 23rd July, during the 2010 Philatelic Congress of Great Britain.
Read the Press Release here.
FEPA Medal 2009 for exceptional service to organized philately
Published: March 2, 2010
Dr. Alan Huggins, RDP, founding Chairman of FEPA, has been awarded the FEPA Medal 2009 for his exceptional service to organized philately.
Dr. Alan Huggins has been extremely prominent in European Philately for many, many years. His position as Founding Chairman of FEPA is one aspect of his truly outstanding services to FEPA, as well as that as Chairman of the Postal Stationery Commission of FIP.
A Distinguished Philatelist, he was the chairman of the Royal Philatelic Society and the Great Britain Society.
FEPA Medal 2009 for exceptional philatelic study and research
Published: March 2, 2010
Nino Aquilla and Francesco Orlando (Italy) is awarded the FEPA Medal 2009 for exceptional philatelic study and research with “Sicilia – I timbri del nuovo Re” (Sicily – The postmarks of the new King) published by Giulio Bolaffi.
Nino Aquila and Francesco Orlando recieved the “Best in Class” award for their book at Italia 2009 in Rome.
Published: February 24, 2010
The Organizing Committee has informed as follows:
PHILALUX 2010: Modification of date !
Out of organisational reasons, the PHILALUX 2010 Organizing Committee has decided that the European stamp exhibition will not be held from July 1st to 4th 2010, but will be postponed to April 28th to May 1st 2011.
We are aware that your Federation and your national commissioner might have some additional work but we will try to limit this work to a strict minimum. We hope that your Federation will still support PHILALUX 2011!
First of all, we would like to ask you to confirm the national commissioner from your country or nominate a new one for PHILALUX 2011. The same applies to the jury members you nominated. This information must be sent by mail to the Commissioner General (joswolff@gmail.com) or to the Assistant Commissioner General (feckclau@pt.lu) before May 1st 2010.
As soon as your commissioner will be registered, we will send out the modified IREX (only changes of date) for PHILALUX 2011.
The registration forms for classes 2, 3, 4 and 6 (Traditional, Postal History, Thematic and One-Frame) that we have received for PHILALUX 2010 will be taken into consideration for PHILALUX 2011. Within a few weeks, your national commissioner will receive a list with these exhibits. We kindly ask to confirm that the owners of the listed collections still want to participate at PHILALUX 2011. The national commissioner has also the possibility to nominate new exhibits. If he wants to nominate new exhibits, he must ask for new entry forms and they will be sent to him.
The entry forms that we have received for classes 5 and 7 (Literature, Youth) till today are cancelled (date of publication, change from group A to B, …) . New entry forms are required for those two classes.
Kind regards,
Published: January 19, 2010
You can read most of the major articles here (link broken).
View Content – Topics in Blue are already accessible (link broken).
Candidates to the 2009 FEPA Awards
Published: January 9, 2010
The following information has been distributed by e-mail to all member Federations:
“Dear President,
I am pleased to send you the Regulations and Procedures for the 2009 FEPA Medal, Awards and Certificates of Appreciation .
Kindly note that the nominations should reach me not later than 15 December 2009.
Please do not send any book until the Board has made the first selection. Just fill the proposal in detail as explained in the attached paper.
In case you send me nominations via regular post please send me also an e-mail with a scan of the proposals and the related form for the certificates. This way we could reduce the risk of missing an answer due to the heavy postal traffic before Christmas.
Yours sincerely,
Giancarlo Morolli
FEPA Director”
Click here to read the procedures to be followed for nomination of the candidates for the FEPA Medal and the Certificates of Appreciation (link broken).
FEPA Congress in Antwerp 11 April 2010
FEPA Congress in Antwerp 11 April 2010
Read the Minutes of the Congress here.
Congress papers distributed to all member federations before the Congress:
Don’t forget the …
Philatelic Meeting on Monday 12 April 10 o’clock
At the previous Congress’ in Vienna and in Essen we discussed to combine the annual Congress with a Philatelic Meeting. In Antwerp this meeting will be held on Monday 12 April – the last day of the exhibition. The Federations are free to invite collectors interested in attending these meeting – so please make sure that your Federation will be represented at this hopefully first in a sequence of Philatelic Meetings.
In the second part of Director Morolli’s report that covers “the philatelic meeting on Monday” and “exhibitions” are information that can’t be release for the time being. This report will be send to you as soon as possible.
If any questions – then please contact me immediately.
I am looking forward seeing you in Antwerp.
Best wishes
Jørgen Jørgensen