Italia 2018. Celebrating the end of the Great War: two international philatelic events in Verona, Italy, 23-25 November 2018. With the Patronage of FEPA
On the occasion of 131st Veronafil 2018, the important autumn philatelic event where international collectors meet, the Federation of Italian Philatelic Societies organizes Italia 2018, a major international philatelic competitive exhibition, divided in two parts:
Great promotion for Philately: Interview to Anthony Virvilis on the Internet
On the 14th of January, Anthony Virvilis had an interview talking about the positive aspects of our hobby and about the actual problems in the philately. It is a bilingual text French and English of top interest.
Presented the Number 104 of Phila-Sport, the magazine of the UICOS, Italian Union of Olympic and Sports Collectors
This number covers the main events of the last quarter of 2017. There is an ample reportage of “Genova 2017” that counted with the presence of three Olympic Champions
January issue of “El Eco Filatélico y Numismático”
The official magazine of the Spanish Federation, which received the Prix of the European Academy of Philately as the best Philatelic Magazine of the year, presents in its January issue
Philatelie, the magazine of the German Federation BDPh
We are receiving the January issue of Philatelie. It includes articles as “Bdph: Image change through a modern appearance”, “The Post of Northern Germany 1868-1871”, “Social Philately in the discussion”, a most interesting debate and so many appealing...
A group of young high potential collectors was recently invited to attend MonacoPhil by members of the Club de Monte-Carlo. There were 2 from the UK, 2 from Belgium, 1 from Russia, 1 from Italy and 10 from the USA. They were invited to all the activities.
La Philatélie Française
The January-February issue of the magazine of the French Federation presents a research on the Olympic Games of 1924, a deep study of the “Semeuse”, and an important dossier on the Youth competitions among other very interesting matters.
Outstanding Illustrated Philatelic Dictionary
Just beginning the New Year , we are receiving this extraordinary work, the biggest and better of this kind ever done in Spanish language and may be even in any other language. It is the result of five years of great efforts of the authors: more than 1860 entries and around 2000 related meanings, with the same number of full colour images on 428 A4 pages. It is a key tool not only for the Spanish speaking Philatelic Community, but also for the thousands philatelists from all around the world who collects some philatelic areas related to the over 20 countries which official language is Spanish...
Our best wishes to all our readers that from 158 different countries (look at the map), entered into the FEPA Website during 2017. Health, peace and prosperity for a Happy Year 2018 to you and to your families!
Untold epistolary between Ruggero de Tassis and Antoine Perrenot de Granvelle (1536-1565)
The just published book issued by The Institute of Postal History Studies “Aldo Cecchi” is an important work for the understanding of the Post of the period. Written by Mrs Julia Benavent and Miriam Bucuré, with an ample preamble from Bruno Crevato-Selvaggi, reproduce in Italian and Spanish languages...
The great philatelist and great friend Lim Sa Bee has passed away
It is with great sadness that we have known that Lim Sa Bee has passed away on 27 December 2017, at the age of 74. We will always remember his kindness, always ready to help to philatelists from all parts of the world. Our deepest condolences. We lost a great philatelist and a great friend. Rest in peace.
Franco Rigo’s just printed new book on 'Postal History of Venice' bilingual Italian-English tells the post services available and the disinfections utilized for the correspondence between Constantinople to Venice and vice versa.
Our deepest gratitude for your collaboration and support all along the year. May this holiday season bring to you and to your family health, joy and good cheer! Merry Christmas!
Nexofil Awards to the Best Stamps of the World
The Croatian Post, Hrvatska Pošta, the Spanish Post “Correos”, the Hungarian “Magyar Posta”, the Posts of Austria, Belgium , Norway, USA and Portugal were the winners in the different categories in the international competition Nexofil 2017, the “Bests stamps of the World” organized by the “Nexo Group” and the philatelic magazine "El Eco".
November and December of outstanding activity in the Portuguese philately
With only a few weeks in between, the Portuguese philately has celebrated two important events: the National Exhibition PORTIMÃO-2018 and “THE PHILATELY OF AZORES”
100th Anniversary of the Slovenian Chainbreakers: Commemoration with two international events
The first Slovenian Post Stamps with the motif of a slave breaking his chains - the Chainbreakers- symbolising the new State of Slovenes, Croatians and Serbs declared on October 29, 1918. The Slovenian Philatelic Association will commemorate the Centennial of the Chainbreaker stamps with two international events.
Until the 20th of January 2018 it is still time to present your candidacies for the FEPA Awards 2017 that will be decided on the 3rd of February at the annual FEPA Board meeting. Giancarlo Morolli, Board member responsible for the Awards, addressed few days ago a letter and the guidelines to all FEPA members. Also here you can see those texts.
Change of presidency of the AEP, Académie Européenne de Philatélie
At the General Assembly, during Monacophil, took place the change of presidency of the Académie Européenne de Philatélie between Bruno Crevato-Selvaggi, Italy, and the new President, Jean Voruz, Switzerland.
Sad News: Paolo Vollmeier has passed away
Chairman of the Fight against Forgeries FIP Commission, Member of the FIP Expert Team, Fellow of the RPSL, awarded with the Crawford Medal, Roll of Distinguished Philatelists, President of the Consilium Philateliae Helveticae, he was a giant of the Postal History research and a wonderful person.
Christoph Gärtner International Promotion Award 2017: The 1st prize for the Collectors Club of Chicago
At the recent Monacophil were presented the Christoph Gärtner International Promotion Awards 2017. The first prize was for the Collectors Club of Chicago for its U.S. Contract Mail Routes by Railroad (1832-1875).
MonacoPhil 2017: Again a great success
From November 30th to December 2nd, Monaco has focused the philatelic World. MonacoPhil 2017, opened its doors on the Terrasses de Fontvieille, in the presence of Prince Albert.
Ten Countries OsmoOkno Kranj 2017 – the 8th one frame exhibition, with tradition
The specialised biennial philatelic exhibition with international participation OsmoOkno (“EighthWindows”) Kranj 2017 was therefore already the eighth meeting of one-frame exhibits from ten countries – Austria, BiH Republika Srpska, Croatia, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Macedonia, Serbia, Slovenia and - for the second time – Israel as a special guest.
Newly Elected Board of Directors – Turkish Philatelic Federation
We have been kindly informed by Mr. Arman Arikan, Secretary General, that on the 25th of November has been elected the new Board of the Turkish Philatelic Federation, formed as follows:
Official Stamps devoted to Prominent Philatelists
It is great news to see prominent philatelists depicted in official stamps. On the 16th of November 2017, the Hellenic Post has issued a commemorative set of six stamps in panes of 25 devoted to leading philatelists.
FEPA CONGRESS 2018: All the details
At the last FEPA Congress during FINLANDIA 2017, was approved the kind offer of the Organizing Committee of PRAGA 2018 to host the FEPA Congress 2018. Now you can see all details to prepare your trip.
ABPS NEWS Winter 2017: Outstanding displays at the Royal
The winter edition of ABPS NEWS informs, amongst other interesting articles, of the latest outstanding meetings that the members of The Royal Philatelic Society London have enjoyed the privilege of seeing. At the start of the season Michael Sefi LVO RDP FRPSL, Keeper of the Collection.
First Newsletter of the Maximaphily Commission
Pascal Bandry, member representing FEPA at the Bureau of the FIP Maximaphily Commission leaded by Jenny Banfield has sent us the just issued Newsletter number one of which Pascal is also the responsible.
PRAGA PICCOLA 2017: First Czech-German Stamp Exhibition
The First Czech-German Stamp Exhibition PRAGA PICCOLA 2017 has been organized in Prague in parallel with the Collector Fair as the last qualification event for the PRAGA 2018 Specialized World Stamp Exhibition.
FEPA Recognition for “Slovenija2019” the Alps-Adria exhibition in Slovenia
Within only few days, three new important philatelic events have requested and obtained the FEPA Recognition. The Slovenian Philatelic Association, FZS, has been granted the FEPA Recognition for “Slovenija2019” the Alps-Adria exhibition in Slovenia, that will be dedicated to the 100 years of the first issue of the Chainbreakers, the first Slovenian stamps issued in January 1919.
LONDON 2020 receives the FEPA Recognition
On the 11th of November the FEPA Board has been pleased to grant the requested FEPA Recognition to LONDON 2020 International Stamp Exhibition. Will be held at the Business Design Centre in Islington, London from Saturday 2 May 2020 until Saturday 9 May 2020.
Granted the FEPA Recognition to GMUNDEN 2018 “100 years of the Austrian Republic 1918 – 2018”
The Exhibition will take place from the 23th to 26th of August 2018. Gmunden was already the first European city hosting for three consecutive years a FEPA Exhibition. Now this record with be extended to four FEPA Exhibitions in a row. This deserves a very special and warm congratulations!
LUXEMBOURG: Three Philatelic events in one week-end
From the 21st to the 22nd of October were celebrated the "76th Stamp Day", the "28th Maximaphily Day" and the "Cycling and Philately" with exhibits from Luxembourg, Italy, Spain and U.K.
ITALIA 2018 International Exhibition of Philatelic Literature with FEPA Patronage
The most important Exhibition of Philatelic Literature of the last six years, ITALIA 2018, will take place in Verona, on 23-25 November 2018 in the frame of Veronafil 2018, the largest philatelic fair in Italy.
TC News is back!
TC News, the Bulletin of the FIP Thematic Commission, Chaired by Peter Suhadolc from Slovenia and with Jari Majander from Finland as new Editor, has issued a new number plenty of interesting articles and useful information all along its 44 pages.
FEPA Exhibition NORDIA 2017: The whole Palmares. Torben Malm, Klaas Bierman, Per Bunnstad and Lars Engelbrecht winners of the Grand Prizes
Torben Malm won the Grand Prix National; Klaas Bierman the Grand Prix Nordic; Per Bunnstad the Grand Prix International and Lars Engelbrecht the Grand Prix of the Championship Class, receiving the silver Postiljonen.
Music, Dance, Theatre and of course Philately!
Pandelis Leoussis, Music, Dance Theatre in the Hellenic and Cyprus Philately, soft cover, format A4, fully coloured, p. 197 published by the Panhellenic Society of Thematic Philately.
The genuine stamps and postmarks, forgeries, errors, variations in printing and fiscal stamps published by Prof. Dr. Jovan Basho, from Albania, for the local stamps of Republic of Korça, under French Military Administration from Dec. 1916 to May 1918.
FEPA Exhibition ESTEX 2018: The Bulletin number 1
The Estonian philatelic exhibition EstEx 2018, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the printing the first Estonian stamp, has issued its Bulletin nº 1, beautiful and plenty of interesting information.
During a perfectly organized Palmares ceremony, leaded by Reinaldo Macedo and Bernard Jimenez, were delivered the main prizes. The Grand Prix D’Honneur was for Luis Alemany from Spain for his “Spain Rates during Isabel II Reign”.
With the participation of 59 National Federations, of which 21 FEPA members, BRASILIA 2017 is being a successful and high level exhibition. From the 427 exhibits has been awarded 18 Large Gold and 74 Gold Medals. Now you can see and download the whole Palmares by Class and by Country.
BULCOLLECTO 2017 in Plovdiv, Bulgaria
From the 19 to the 22 October has been celebrated a new and successful edition of BULCOLLECTO in Plovdiv, Bulgaria. This year the symbol has been the Football.
Chris King Bulletin Two Election for FIP President 2018 : A Charter for Change
Under the title “A Charter for Change”, Chris King has presented the Bulletin two including important statements looking forward for the future.
Message of Chris King, candidate for FIP President at the Congress in 2018
On the 12th of October, Chris King sent a message to the philatelic community explaining that he intends to stand for President at the Congress in 2018, with the support of the British Federation, and welcoming support from all philatelists and their federations. His objective is to secure the future of international philately.
Chris King’s Website: Friends of the FIP
Chris King, candidate to FIP President at next year elections, has developed a comprehensive Website named “Friends of FIP” which under the title “Reform the FIP”, includes areas as Time for a Change, Where’s the strategy, The Problem, The Congress, Google for FIP, FIP President 2018, FIP is important, Unhappy FIP and The Board, amongst others.
FEPA Exhibition ÖVEBRIA 2017 – Hirtenberg
From the 6th to the 8th October has been held an additional highlight in the Austrian philately, thanks to the chairman Richard Winkler and the members of the 1st Triestingtaler Stamp Collectors Club Hirtenberg.
The Spanish Agustin Alberto de León, Grand Prix of the FEPA Exhibition “EXFILNA 2017”
Mr. Alberto de León was the winner of the Exfilna 2017 Grand Prix. Mr. Luis Alemany won the Grand Prix of the Championship Class. Mr. Ramón Cortés won the Prix to the best Postal History exhibit. María Teresa Miralles received the Prix for the best Thematic, while the Hungarian Artúr Bánás won the Prix of the Olympic Academy.
FEPA Awarded by the Argentinian Federation of Philately
Amongst the events of the FEPA Exhibition “EXFILNA 2017”, the President of the Philatelic Federation of Argentina, Miguel Casielles, presented FEPA with their Honorary Award.
Opening of the FEPA Exhibition EXFILNA 2017, Spanish National with the participation of France and Hungary
Has been launched in Portugalete, Basque Country, the Spanish National Exhibition with international participation. On the 810 frames are displayed many of the best exhibits of the three countries.
Outstanding Promotion of the EXFILNA 2017
As many as 1280 big posters of the FEPA Exhibition EXFILNA 2017, Spanish National Exhibition with international participation, have flooded the lampposts of Portugalete, Bilbao and neighboring towns.
Success of the French Youth Philately
Tanguy Pron, with his Collection “Les coqs de Decaris (1962-1967)” has been the winner of the Youth Grand Prix of Bandung 2017 World Stamp Exhibition.
Alfred Schmidt new President of the German Philatelic Federation (BDPh)
The 51-year-old pharmacist from Haldensleben, Alfred Schmidt, was elected by an overwhelming majority during the Annual General Meeting in Lutherstadt Wittenberg.
CG International Philatelic Promotion Award: Closing Date 15th October. Apply now!
Christoph Gärtner established the CG International Philatelic Promotion Award aiming to promote the preservation of philatelic knowledge by supporting new publications .This competition aims to consider print media, digital media and the promotion of young talent as a whole.
Exceptional overprint on 10.000 souvenir sheets to celebrate the designation of Paris as the host city of the J.O. 2024
The overprint has been made the 14th of September, the next day of the designation in Lima, Peru, over the stamp issued in May for the candidature.
23rd World Olympic Collectors Fair
The 23rd World Olympic Collectors Fair was conducted in Bratislava, Slovakia from 8 - 10 September 2017 with participants from 29 countries around the world. Branislav Delej, President of the SSOSC and a member of the Executive Board of AICO, was the President of the successful Organizing Committee.
Giancarlo Morolli “Journalist of the Year”
FEPA Vice President Giancarlo Morolli was presented the “Fulvio Apollonio” award as “Journalist of the Year” by USFI.
PRAGA 2018 Is Coming!
August 2018 is a month marked by the execution of PRAGA 2018 Specialized World Stamp Exhibition. The philatelic event will celebrate many anniversaries scheduled for 2018: centenaries of the WWI end, creation of Czechoslovakia etc.
New Board of the Federation of Norwegian Philatelists: Frank Gilberg elected President
At the National Assembly of the Federation of Norwegian Philatelists, has been elected a new Board. The new President is Frank Gilberg, Vice-President, Jon Klemetsen.
Board of the Union of the Bulgarian Philatelists: Corrected information
Mr. Orlin Todorov has asked us to post the following information completing the news that we had already published about the composition of the Board of the Union of the Bulgarian Philatelists. We are pleased to attach the file received.
Philotelia into the digital age
The scanning of Philotelia, the bilingual in Greek and English journal of the Hellenic Philotelic Society (HPS,, was completed, i.e. from the first number of 1924 until the last of 2001. Soon, this valuable archive, together with the numbers from 2002 until today.
The ABPS Exhibitions and International Committee is pleased to announce that it is inviting exhibits of ephemera to be entered at Spring Stampex which will take place at the Business Design Centre, Islington, London N1 from 14th – 17th February 2018.
September issue of the “Junge Sammler”, the clever magazine of the Youth Commission of the German Federation
The Youth Commission of the German Federation has printed the September issue. Directed by Axel Brockmann, one of the Speakers of the successful FEPA Youth Symposium, the main theme is “All the happiness of the earth lies on the back of the horses” focusing on the great love for the animals of many children.
Brasovian Philatelic Autumn: 100 Edition
The philatelists of Brașov are proud to celebrate, this fall, a glorious jubilee - the one-hundredth edition of our philatelic, numismatics and cartophily fair events.
International Exhibition ESTEX 2018 in Tallinn with FEPA Recognition: Already appointed all the Commissioners
EstEx'18 - International Philatelic Exhibition organized to celebrate the 100 anniversary of Republic of Estonia, will take place from 13 to 15 July 2018 in Tallinn.
OLDENBURG 2017: Bilateral German-Danish Exhibition
The Bilateral Stamp Exhibition Oldenburg 2017 was organized with the participation of the Bund Deutscher Philatelisten e.V. (BDPh) and the Danmarks Filatelist Forbund (DFF).
FIP Postal Stationery Commission – Newsletter August 2017
We are receiving from the Chairman of the FIP Postal Stationery Commission, Lars Engelbrecht, its August Newsletter. There is information about the recent FIP Seminars in Australia, Finland and Indonesia as well as the next in Brasil and Thailand. Also news from the Delegates amongst other interesting matters.
Dr. Thomas Mathà: International Mail Crossing the Italian Peninsula 1815-1852
We are receiving from several FEPA members federations nearly simultaneously, the information about this new work of Dr. Thomas Mathà, what promises to be another outstanding research. The book is a thorough study of Italian international transit mail across the Peninsula, covering the five main postal conventions.
Forthcoming events of the Association of British Philatelic Societies, ABPS
The Association of British Philatelic Societies, ABPS, issued yesterday a Newsletter updating its very interesting forthcoming activities.
The Board of Directors of the Association of Philatelists, Maximaphilits and Cartophilists of the Republic of Moldova
The Association of Philatelists, Maximaphilits and Cartophilists from the Republic of Moldova is the newest FEPA Member, elected at the last FEPA Congress. Now we are very pleased presenting the members of their Board of Directors.
Palmares of BANDUNG 2017
Bandung 2017 was an excellent advertisement for the growth in Asian philately over the past thirty years since the second Asian Regional was held in Adelaide in 1986. Congratulations to the organisers, and to the exhibitors. The tables, prepared by Chris King, make interesting reading.
The Royal Philatelic Society London (RPSL) will celebrate its 150th anniversary: STOCKHOLMIA 2019
The Royal Philatelic Society London (RPSL) will celebrate its 150th anniversary in 2019. For this occasion an international exhibition will be held in Stockholm. H.M. King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden has graciously agreed to be the Patron.
French Video clip on Youth Philately
During the FEPA Symposium of Youth Philately, the French Federation presented on top of the PowerPoint production a beautiful video clip. Here you have it.
World Stamp Championship ISRAEL 2018
The Israel Philatelic Federation with the support of The Israel Post Company and the Israel Philatelic Service will host the World Stamp Championship ISRAEL 2018 under the FIP Patronage from May 27 to 31, 2018 in Jerusalem.
The 8 Presentations of the FEPA Symposium of Youth Philately
On the 27th of May was celebrated the successful FEPA Symposium of Youth Philately. As promised, here you have the full eight presentations.
The Stamp Club in Vejle welcomes you all to the NORDIA 2017
The FEPA Exhibition NORDIA 2017 has prepared a beautiful presentation encouraging every philatelist to visit what promise to be a wonderful philatelic event. Looking carefully at the picture you can see the "three legs" who support the Exhibition: Postnord, The Club and The Federation.
ESTONIA 2017: Successful International Exhibition
On the 16th of July finished the International Estonian Philatelic Society's 25th Anniversary's exhibition. On the exhibition there were works presented from 6 foreign countries. The exhibition was being held in the new National Museum of Estonia.
News from Turkey: Turkish Philatelic Expert Committee
The Federation of Turkish Philatelic Associations (TFDF) is informing us that at its meeting of 15 June 2017, the board members approved the bylaws of its Turkish Philatelic Expert Committee (FEK) and appointed the committee's members.
ITALIA 2018: the website is open for application!
As promised at the FEPA Congress, since the beginning of July a dedicated website has been available at Any exhibitor interested to show ...
Granted the FEPA Recognition to NORDIA 2020
The activity of the FEPA members does not stop. And in the FEPA Board we are looking forward to help. Now it has been again the Swedish Federation that submitted the application for FEPA Recognition of NORDIA 2020, to be celebrated in Malmö on September 4th to 6th 2020.
New FEPA Exhibition: MALMEX 2018
Following the request of the Swedish Federation, on the 2nd of July the FEPA Board has unanimously agreed in granting the FEPA Recognition to the Exhibition MALMEX 2018 to be held in Malmö, Sweden, from August 31th to September 2nd 2018.
FEPA News Magazine No 31
Printed the new issue of "FEPA News" Magazine of the 2nd Semester of the Year, now is also available here the electronic version.
Thematic International Exhibition “EXPHIMO 2017”
From the 3rd to the 5th of June 2017 took place the annual thematic international exhibition of the FSPL (Fédération des Sociétés Philatéliques du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg) in Bad Mondorf, organized by Philcolux, with the active participation of the VPhA, the working groups of the German Federation.
The jewels of Hungarian Philately at the Exhibition Commemorative of the 150 Years of Hungarian Stamp printing
During the process of Austro-Hungarian Compromise, under the temporary postal treaty, the Hungarian Post regained its independence on 1 May 1867.
The definitive “Thurn and Taxis”
This book of almost 500 pages is for many reasons exceptional. On the one hand because of its content and on the other for its first-class design which can hardly be surpassed – and last but not least because of its sponsor who enabled the publication of this Din A4 hardcover book: Christoph Gärtner.
Presented the FEPA Awards 2016
Most of the annual Awards were presented at the FEPA Congress. The Medals and the Certificates were handed out at the Congress held in Tampere, Finland on the 28th of May.
International Exhibition of Philatelic Literature “ITALIA 2018”
The Federation of Italian Philatelic Societies organises the international exhibition of philatelic literature “Italia 2018” which will be held in Milan in March 2018, in the framework of the philatelic event Milanofil (a large trade convention with international attendance).
The Croatian Federation has a new name and a new Board. It is the Croatian Federation of Philatelists, with Mr. Nenad Rogina as President. You can see here the whole Board. Also for the first time in Croatia has been published a book about introducing philately for the youth and beginners…
Minutes of the 2017 FEPA Congress, Tampere May 28th 2017
Were present 39 out of the 43 National FEPA Members, which means 90,7 % attendance. So, all decisions of the Congress were valid. Also attended the Congress 14 Observers nominated by their respective FEPA National Federations, Associations or Unions. The whole minutes of the Congress.
John Daes, Hellenic postal rates 1828-1875
Following six years of painstaking study and exhaustive research, John Daes, presented us with a ground-breaking addition to international literature: Hellenic postal rates 1828-1875, Volume A (1828-1861), 569 pages; Volume B (1861-1875) 659 pages; the list of contents and some comments are also translated into English.
New Board 2017-2021 of the Belgian Federation
Last February we informed of the election of Mr. Ivan Van Damme as President of the Belgian Federation for the period 2017-2021. Now has been elected the rest of the New Board.
Michael Adler deceased – A huge loss for philately
We are informed that has passed away Michael Adler, FEPA, Vice-President 1992 to 1994, FEPA President from 1994 to 1995 and after 2001 again Vice-President. Great philatelist and great person. Rest in peace.
NORDIA 2017: Another FEPA exciting exhibition is coming !
Just finishing the extraordinary FINLANDIA 2017, and we are receiving updated information about another exciting FEPA Exhibition in the Nordic countries: The Nordic Stamp show, NORDIA 2017 and the 4th International Polar Philatelic Exhibition that will take place in the city of Vejle, Denmark, on Oct. 27 - 29.
Jean Voruz with his exhibit “Geneva Postal Services 1839–1862” won the FINLANDIA 2017 FEPA Grand Prix Class. The other Grand Prix were the Grand Prix International, for Joseph Hackmey with “Classic Romania” and the Grand Prix National for Erkki Toivakka with “Finland 1856–1875”.
FINLANDIA 2017: Youth Philately, protagonist
Many and clever activities are been running for young philatelist within the Exhibition. Also was held with a great success the 1st FEPA Symposium of Youth Philately.
FINLANDIA 2017: 8.789 persons has visited the Exhibition on the two first days
The control of the Tampere Hall has counted 8.789 visitors on the 24 and 25 of May, the two first days of the Exhibition, surpassing all the expectations. Were very busy the dealers, the Postal Administrations stands with also many visitors looking at the frames.
FINLANDIA 2017 officially opened
Appropriate and brief talks from Jussi Tuori, Chairman of the FINLANDIA 2017 Executive Committee; José Ramón Moreno, President of FEPA; Leena Kostiainen, Deputy Mayor of the City of Tampere and Anne Berner, Minister of Transport and Communications, officially opened the Exhibition, together with a brilliant concert of the Pirkanmaan Music Institute Symphony Orchestra.
FINLANDIA 2017 is ready! The preparations, ahead of scheduled
The 2248 exhibition frames of FINLANDIA 2017 has already been mounted by a team of nearly 100 volontiers leaded by Jukka Mäkinen, President of the Organizing Committee. The first Commissioners are already arriving to a perfectly organized Bin Room.
Presentation of the FEPA Award to the Philatelic Society Lovro Košir, Škofja Loka
At the General Meeting of the Slovenian Philatelic Association held on the 20th of May 2017, the FEPA Secretary General Mr. Bojan Bračič, presented the Certificate of Appreciation as best Club of Europe 2016 being received by Mr. Srečko Beričič, President of the Club.
Seminar of Rafael Acuña on Modern Philately at the JUVENIA 2017 and MAXIESPAÑA 2017 FEPA Exhibitions
On the 11th May, a Seminar on Modern Philately was held on the program of events at the JUVENIA 2047 and MAXIESPAÑA 2017 exhibitions, which was given by Rafael Acuña Castillo, President of the Modern Philatelic Commission of the Spanish Federation, FESOFI.
In a few days is opening the biggest European event of the year: FINLANDIA 2017!
FINLANDIA 2017 has issued another Newsletter including the updated information. The complete Program of the Exhibition is available on the website.