Игровой автомат Jacks or better является одним из самых популярных видеопокеров в мире казино. Эта увлекательная игра предоставляет игрокам возможность выиграть крупные призы, собрав комбинации карт, начиная с пары вальтов и лучше.
This author has not written his bio yet.
But we are proud to say that José Ramón Moreno contributed 562 entries already.
We have started setting up NOTOS 2021 two years ago and right now we are exactly two years away from the Grand Opening. The 38-page Bulletin No. 1 which you are invited to download herein pretty much sums up the first part of the story. A brand new software: It was developed by our team as a web application in order to be used by anyone involved with NOTOS 2021. Commissioners’ appointments and Jurors’ proposals by the National Federations, exhibitors’ entry forms as well as visitors’ data will be submitted online Read more…
To paraphrase the slogan of the World Philatelic Exhibition – EFIRO 2008 – Time goes by, stamps remain, for the National Philatelic Exhibition with international participation EFIRO 2019 we launched the motto Time goes by, the philatelists remain. Held in the halls of the Museum of the Romanian Records, the Vth edition of the EFIRO exhibition offered the opportunity to the Romanian and the foreign exhibitors from Albania, Bulgaria, Greece, Israel, Republic of Moldova, Serbia and Hungary… Read more…
It will not be long before London 2020, the international stamp exhibition to be held at the Business Design Centre in London’s Islington in May, is upon us. The dates to note are Saturday, 2 May to Saturday, 9 May. There will be over 125 standholders comprising dealers, auctioneers and philatelic publishers. In addition several postal administrations will have stands.There will be much to see among the exhibits, these filling no fewer than 1,700 frames. Indeed, such has been the demand to exhibit that the entries will be shown in two sections. The first half (Saturday, 2 May to Tuesday, 5 May) will include… Read more…
The exhibition was organized by the National Federation of Hungarian Philatelist (MABÉOSZ), with the Sponsorship of the FIP and the FEPA Recognition , moreover support from the Hungarian Post. Were shown 500 frames from 12 invited countries. The National Grand Prix, went to the Austrian exhibitor Herbert Kotal, with his collection „Stamps of the first twenty years of Hungarian Postal Administration 1867-1887”. The International Grand Prix winner was the Portuguese collector Luiz Barreiros for his fantastic collection „Postal History of the Pre-stamp period of Portugal and it’s colonies”. Read more…
We are informed about the sad news: Eugenijus Uspuras , President of the Union der Philatelisten Litauens has died at the age of 64. Born on July 24, 1955, in Irkutsk, Russia, he was professor and member of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences. He carried out a successful scientific career being Director of the Lithuanian Energy Institute and at present, Manager of the Division of Nuclear research. Passionate for philately he had a Gold Medal exhibit “Railway Post in Lithuania 1861 – 1949”. In collaboration with Jan Kaptein he wrote an important book on the same subject. Rest in peace Read more…
The 57th National Spanish exhibition had this year the Czech and German Federations as guest’s participants. It was held from the 6th to the 10th November 2019. The motto has been ‘Immerse yourself in the immensity of philately’. At the exhibition opening, the special stamps and HB issued by the Spanish Post “Correos” were postmarked under the water by four divers at the huge aquarium of the Cantabrian Maritime Museum. Read more…
On the 30th of October was held at the auditorium of the Spanish Royal Mint, FNMT, the Gala of the presentation of the prizes of the year, organized by the President of the NEXO Group, Mr. Eugenio de Quesada. The International Jury was formed for Presidents of Philatelic Federations and Academies from 33 different countries as detailed inside. Also were awarded stamps issued by the Posts of Belgium, Spain, Austria, Italy, United Kingdom, Slovakia, Slovenia, Estonia, Germany, Liechtenstein, Iceland, New Zealand, Hungary and Czech Republic. Read more…
Participated in this innovative exhibition exhibits from 16 national federations: Albania, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Germany, Greece, Israel, Moldova, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovenia and Turkey. Participated also two philatelic Academies: Italy and Turkey on top of the European Academy of Philately. There were 500 frames and 18 titles of philatelic literature. H.M. the King Simeon II of Bulgaria was very involved in the exhibition attending their main events. Read more…
NORDIA 2021 will be held in Kuopio, Finland, on March 12-14, 2021 organized by Kuopion Filatelistikerho (Philatelic Society of Kuopio) and the Finnish Philatelic Federation.
NORDIA 2021 exhibition is open to all collectors who are members of member societies of the National or Youth Federations of the Nordic countries (Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, and Denmark). Members of the Scandinavian Collectors Club in USA, and the Estonian Philatelic Federation can also participate the exhibition. Read more…
Another reason for celebration of the 90th anniversary for which a stamp was issued for the occasion and our sister society in London, the Egypt Study Circle (ESC) shared with us by having some of the members visiting Egypt for the occasion. From September 9th to 15th, Dr. Sherif Samra, President of the PSE was host to exhibitors from UK, Bahrain, Oman, Iraq, Morocco, Saudi Arabia and of course Egypt who exhibited 200 frames of powerful material. Read more…
At the annual meeting of the Club , Prof. Ludwik K. Malendowicz presented on behalf of FEPA, the Certificate of Appreciation to this outstanding Club as “The Best European Philatelic Club of the Year 2018”. The meeting took place in Mikstat Las and was attended by about 50 members and supporters of the Club. The meeting was accompanied by a philatelic show Read more…
This is the first volume of a historical trilogy on Turkish postal stationery, Microhistory of theTurkish Posts, 1920-2015. Running 821 pages in color and fully bilingual, volume I covers the postal stationery of Turkey from 1920 to 1950. Most of the studied categories had not been catalogued before, let alone analyzed in depth Read more…
On September 28, 2019 in Trenčín, new representatives were elected to the bodies of the Union of Philatelists of Slovakia – the ZSF Council and the ZSF Auditing Commission. President RN Dr. Pavol Lazar. The former President, Miroslav Ňaršík was elected Honorary President Read more…
In a good 18 months IBRA 2021 will open its doors at Messe Essen from 6 to 9 May. A foretaste of the first World Stamp Exhibition in Germany after 1999 is the IBRA homepage, which went online recently. The redesigned and modern website provides an overview of the major event is constantly updated and regularly informs about news. Info 1 is available for download in PDF format. Just have a look at www.IBRA2021.de! Read more…
From the 1st to the 6th of October was held the International Exhibition with FEPA Recognition at the Cultural Center of Viana do Castelo, in Portugal. Participated exhibitors from the Federations of Portugal, Austria, Croatia, Hungary, Italy and Slovenia. The winner of the Grand Prix of the Championship Class was Pedro Vaz Pereira with his exhibit “Carimbos Nominativos não datados usados no Periodo Adesivo”. The Exhibition Grand Prix was for Manuel Domenech Lima Torres with his exhibit “Portuguese Prephilately”. The level of the exhibition was extremely high as shown in the whole Palmares that is enclosed here. Read more…
The topic of the exhibition will be the 100th anniversary of the VII° Olympic Games of Antwerp in 1920. The City of Antwerp commemorates the Olympic Games with an Impressive Program of which Antverpiade 2020 will be part of it. The exhibition will be held from the 28th to the 30th of August as the Belgian National Championship of Philately with International participation of the Dutch (KNBF) and the French (FFAP) Federations. All day long YouTube based movies of the 1920 Olympic Games in Antwerp will run on television screens. Thanks to the cooperation with Sportimonium (The official Olympic Museum) a lot of unique items will be present at the Exhibition. Read more…
The exhinbition was held from 11 to 14 September 2019 at the Business Design Centre, London. STAMPEX is now badging itself as STAMPEX International. And it is emphasized on the front of the catalogue with the words: Welcome, Willkommen, Welkom, Bienvenue, Benvenuti. The theme for the show was aviation. Among new initiatives at STAMPEX, a series of special talks took place throughout the four days, starting on Wednesday with Bill Hedley … Read more…
The Exhibition, organized by the “Fédération des Sociétés philatéliques du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg” (FSPL) has the auspices of His Royal Highness the Grand Duke and the auspices of Mr. Xavier Bettel, Minister of State, Mme Lydie Polfer, Mayor of the City of Luxembourg and FEPA Recognition. Will be held from 8 to 10 November 2019, participating exhibitors from The Netherlands, Germany, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Austria, Switzerland and Slovenia Read more…
We have been kindly informed of the new Board elected on the 14th of September with Julije Maras as Prtesident and Stevo Kovačić, Vice-president. The Croatian Federation has also changed of address… Read more…
More than 200 members attended a superb display of New South Wales and Western Australia material from the Royal Philatelic Collection at the opening meeting. Charles Oppenheim presented the publication ‘The History of the Royal Philatelic Society London 1869 – 2019.’ This was followed by Chris Harman’s vote of thanks and the reading of the Notice of Thanks to Her Majesty The Queen… Read more…
The new Board of the Austrian Federation — Verband Österreichischer Philatelisten-Vereine, was elected on Friday, 20th of September 2019 by the members of the Austrian Philatelic clubs.
President: Mag. Helmut Kogler as before, Vice-President: Ing. Alfred Kunz as before, Secretary: Mag. Erich Böck… Read more…
It is with great regret that we have to report the death of Gary Brown. He died last Friday, September 13th at the age of 69. He died sitting at his computer working on an exhibit. Rest in peace such wonderful person and great philatelist Read more…
The Board of Directors of the European Academy of Philately – AEP has approved the 2019 Awards. The winners are: Henk Slabbinck for the European Parliament Award, Patrick Maselis for the European Philatelic Merit and Guy Dutau for the European Philatelic Literature Award… Read more…
146 collections from 16 countries were represented – Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Brazil, Czech Republic, Germany, Ireland, Israel, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, Moldova, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Ukraine, USA. Competitive exhibits were presented in seven exhibition classes. Postal administrations of different countries… Read more…
Thanks to the extraordinary efforts and knowledge of our Webmaster Ari Muhonen we were able to relaunch the FEPA Website. Along this first year the site has been viewed 41.687 times by 14.119 visitors from 100 different countries! Our gratitude to all of you for your excellent collaboration sending the necessary information and the relevant news from your national Federations, Associations or Unions. Read more…
As always at NORDIA exhibitions, lots of philatelic friends meeting up and new friendships made. All awards up to gold were presented at a previous ceremony , while gold and large gold awards were presented at the Palmares, finishing with the opening of the envelope with the result in the Champion Class, where the Grand Prix d’Honneur, the Silver Postilion, was awarded to Eigil Trondsen Read more…
Jenny Benfield, President and Pascal Bandry, Bureau Member of the FIP Commission, are kindly sending us the Press Release of the contest. 30 countries took part in the competition. The result was the following: 1st Turkey (54). 2nd Spain (48). 3rd Finland (39)… Read more…
The FEPA Board unanimously agreed in granting the FEPA Recognition to the “Continental Stamp Exhibition 90th Anniversary of The Philatelic Society of Egypt”. It will be celebrated from September 9th to 15th 2019 in Cairo, Egypt, with the participation of 6 Arab countries and the Egypt Study Circle, London. The RPSL will symbolically be celebrating its 150th Anniversary with one their member attending.
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Congratulations to Adriano Bergamini (Switzerland), Ralph Ebner (Germany), Simon Richards (United Kingdom) and Arie Zonjee (Netherlands) who are now accredited as FIP Jurors once successfully served as Jury Apprentices at the FIP World Exhibition CHINA 2019 Read more…
Peter Suhadolc, President of the Slovenian Philatelic Association and Editor of the “Trait d’Union”, has kindly sent us its new issue. It is the newsletter of the European Academy of Philately, chaired by Jean Voruz. Over its very interesting 16 pages, it shows their main events of the first part of 2019 and those that will be held in the next months. Read more…
EFIRO 2019 will take place at the Museum of Romanian Records, Bucharest, from the 19th to the 21st September 2019. It is still time for the exhibits in the “Literature” class that must be sent in a single copy until August 20, 2019. There are no participation fees for any of the exhibition classes. Read more…
The Cyprus Philatelic Society has elected a new Board formed by 12 members as follows: Akis Christou, President; Demetris Charatsis, Vice-President; Costas Athanasiou, Secretary General, Read more…
Seville hosted in July an important Symposyum on Postal History, organized by the General Archive of the Indies with the collaboration of the Royal Hispanic Academy of Philately and Postal History , the Spanish Post “Correos” and the Spanish Postal and Telegraphic Museum. It consisted in 11 Conferences and Presentations by experts researchers in the Postal History field Read more…
The French National Exhibition was of high level: 180 exhibits in the 15 competition classes which were awarded 23 Gold medals, 40 Grand Vermeil medals and 47 Vermeil. Was also held the 92nd Congress of the FFAP with the participation of 600 Delegates representing the nearly 400 Philatelic Societies and Clubs members of the French Federation. Read more…
The Czech Philatelic Federation has elected as new President Mr. Julius Cacka. He will be at this position till the elections in December 2020. He is simultaneously Secretary and President. We wish him every success Read more…
The next FEPA Congress shall elect the President, the Secretary General and one Director. According to the Statutes, the President, Jose Ramon Moreno and the Secretary General, Bojan Bračič have finished their terms of service to FEPA and can not be candidates for reelection. FEPA member Federations, Associations or Unions can send their candidacies until the 29th of August. Read more…
Many of you have already received the 84 pages magazine that includes the information of the events from January to June 2019, as well as updated information of the upcoming exhibitions and events. If you are not in the list of your National Federation to receive it (is for free), you can read it here, or download the full magazine. In this issue are news from Albania, Austria, Belarus, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Egypt, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Hungary, Israel, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Moldova, Monaco, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and Turkey. Read more…
Until the 21th of July you can still visit in Seville the display of 200 key historical letters, coming from archives and philatelic collections, analyzed from their philatelic and historic relevance. From the first letter from Colon informing of his discoveries to the Spanish Queen and King (15th February 1493), to a letter from the Universal Lord of Japan Tokukawa Hidedata (1610), Inca’s Chasquis, letters from Simon Bolivar, from Georges Washington “to the chiefs of the Choctaw Nation” amongst many others most incredible original documents.
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In the list of Accredited Jurors updated by the FIP on the 25th of June appears for the first time Mehmet Akan (Turkey) PH , Alfred Kunz (Austria) TH, Ben Palmer (U.K.) PH and Nikola Ljubicic(Serbia) PS. Here is also the whole file of FIP Jurors listed by country Read more…
We are receiving today the information that a new Board has been elected at the „Union of Philatelists of Serbia“, the Serbian Philatelic Federation, for the period April 2019 – April 2023. It consists of all the regional representatives directly delegated and confirmed by the Assembly. Nikola Ljubicic was elected as a new President of Union of Philatelists of Serbia. Congratulations and our best wishes for success.
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You are about to receive the new issue of our magazine. There you will find as usual my “Open letter”. It will be my last one. According to our Statutes I must leave the position at the next FEPA Congress. From the first day I was elected it was clear for me that I had been elected the President of FEPA but not the Boss of FEPA. The Bosses are you, the 44 National members of FEPA. I tried to serve you… Read more…
5, 6 or 7 frames: A possibility after an exhibitor obtained 85 points or more. The FIP GREX Article 6.4 states that for an exhibitor who had received a Large Vermeil medal for his exhibit at a FIP Exhibition… Read more…
Alan Druce, Mark Schwartz, Vittorio Morani, Tim O’Conner, Bruce Marsden, Colin Tobitt and Fred Hoadley, awarded
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36 FEPA members participated with their exhibits. Three of them were Candidates for Grand Prizes: Jean Voruz, Monaco; Terje Heskestad, Norway and Valentin Levandovsky, Russia. China 2019 joined 85 national federations covering 4.633 frames plus 145 literature exhibits. Over 400.000 visitors entered… Read more…
We live at a time when information is increasingly shared online. The Estonian National Museum information system is one example. The system allows to make the collections available to both specialists in the field and philatelists. The information system, accessible at www.muis.ee, provides … Read more…
At the FEPA Exhibition JUVENIA 2019, have participated 70 Youth exhibits: 13 from France, 11 from Cuba and 46 from Spain. 1713 students from 28 Schools of the region took part with their designs in the contest “A Stamp for Burgos”, the city which hosted the event… Read more…
Mr. Jeffrey Stone received during the Stockholmia 2019 his Certificate as finalist to the FEPA Medal 2018 for Exceptional Philatelic Study and Research… Read more…
The largest foreign contingent present was from United Kingdom, followed by the United States of America. Also philatelists from the following 48 origins came: Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bermuda, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, China,… Read more…
Essen International Stamp Fair usually includes only Thematic exhibits but the 29th Fair also included a “World of Revenues” Salon organised by FIP Revenues Commission Chairman Ralph Ebner and Arbeitsgemeinschaft Fiskalphilatelie e.v. I’m BDPh e.v. It was a great show with 71 exhibits in 315 frames. This must be the largest number of Revenue exhibits on show at one time Read more…
The leading motto of the Conference was “Polish Post Offices in the years 1918-1922, in the period of establishing the borders of the Second Republic”. During the opening of the Conference. Hans Vogels, a member of the Polish Academy of Philately, was appointed finalist “to the 2018 FEPA medal for exceptional research” Read more…
With pleasure, we publish the information received from Mr. Ciobanu, President of the Association of Moldova. Have been extended the terms of presentation of the Application Form and the terms of presenting the exhibits: New dates: 15.8.2019 and 30.8.2019 respectively. Read more…
The FEPA Board have granted the FEPA Recognition to the International Exhibition “PLOVDIV 2019”. Will be held from October 17 – 20 in Plovdiv, European Capital of Culture 2019. The participants have been invited through the European Federations and by their National Philatelic Academies. The Exhibition will not be competitive and there will not be participation fees. The organizers will cover the expenses of the Commissioners… Read more…
On the occasion of the 29th International Stamp Fair in Essen on May 10th 2019 important steps have been taken towards IBRA 2021. The signing of the patronage contract with the Fédération Internationale de Philatélie (FIP) took place in attendance of guests and journalists specialized in philately Read more…
The Association of Philatelists from Republic of Moldova organizes the Exhibition ,,LITERATURE FOR COLLECTORS” during 03.09.2019-20.09.2019. It will take place in the National Museum of Ethnography and Natural History from Chișinău. The participation is free. Only one copie of each exhibit is requested. The registration in Competition Class is made completing an application form, addressed to the Committee of organization. It must be completed till 15.06.2019, and it can be sent in the electronic version. The deadline for receiving the works 20.08.2019 Read more…
From 17-20 April 2019 took place Gouda 2019 in the Dutch ‘city of cheese’. It was with over 760 frames and over 20 literature exhibits the largest National Exhibition in the Netherlands since 2008. Most innovative were the frame cards and the catalogue listing. All exhibitors where invited to send a piece out of the collection to the organiser. This was used with the catalogue listing, which contained all possible information needed to get good idea about the collection showed Read more…
The FEPA Board unanimously agreed in granting the FEPA Recognition to the HUNFILA 2019 , with the invited National Federations of Austria, Croatia, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Slovenia (Alps-Adria countries), Czech Republik, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Spain with Hungary total 13 countries, moreover the Hungarian Philatelic Society in Great Britain (HPS) and ARGE Ungarn e.V. The exhibition will be held in Budapest from 04-06 October 2019. Read more…
The FEPA Board held its annual meeting with the presence of its seven members in Lisbon, attending the kind invitation of the Portuguese Federation of Philately. Along an intense day of work were discussed the 14 points of the Agenda. Here you have the Minutes of the meeting which includes a summary of it. Read more…
It seems obvious to most people that the Picture Postcards are non-philatelic material. Of course except if the PP is in the exhibit only for the stamps or postal marks that it may have and not for its image. However, there are exhibitors and even jurors having doubts. So, Birthe King has raised this interesting point and Bernard Jimenez, FIP Vice-President has very well clarified it. Read more…
Mr. Vladimir Kachan, Vice-chairman of the Union of Philatelists of Belarus, has sent us the interesting article “The Imperial Families of Habsburgs very loved of Butterflies”. Mr. Kachan, who has been collecting stamps for 55 years, starting at 6 years old, has published more than 100 articles about butterflies and moths in philately with the aim of popularising the subject of lepidoptera on stamps, cancels and postal stationeries Read more…
The Cyprus Postal Services and the Cyprus Philatelic Society in cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Culture, organized a Cyprus Student Philatelic Competition among students of 14 years old in middle class, public and private education on the following subject … Read more…
The World Exhibition LONDON 2020 will host an enormous amount of philatelic activities. Birthe King has successfully, even if yet provisionally, agreed with Frank Walton, Chairman of London 2020 Organising Committee, Richard Stock, representing the Royal Philatelic Society London and Philip Longbottom, Office Manager of London 2020, to give continuity to the series of FEPA Seminars on Youth and Picture Postcard after the successful presentations on occasion of FINLANDIA 2017 and PRAGA 2018. Read more…
Ivar Sundsbø, Leader of the Philatelic Committee, is sending us an updating of what promises to be an extremely interesting exhibition. NORDIA 2019 is quite up to schedule, just setting up the detailed program for each day, catalogue and the arrangement of frames. NORDIA 2019 which received the FEPA Recognition, will host lots of activities during the show. Read more…
The Association of Collectors of Albania organized their first competitive national exhibition hold in Tirana from 9th to 12th April 2019 as well as three Seminars presented by Jovan Basho , Nicos Rangos and Bojan Bračič Read more…
The National Exhibition ‘KKTC’19 under Turkish PTT patronage and collaboration with TFDF (Turkish Philatelic Federation) and Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus Directorate of Post Office was held on 15th-19th April, 2019 in Nicosia, Cyprus… Read more…
Mr. Tone Simončič, President of The Philatelic Society of Ljubljana has received the Certificate of Appreciation granted to the Society for outstanding activities for the promotion of philately. It has played an important role in spreading philatelic knowledge and attracted many younger people to stamp collecting. Read more…
No fewer than 27 members of the Royal Belgian Academy of Philately gave displays to the members of The Royal Philatelic Society London on 4 April. The outstanding material on show covered a wide range of countries: not only Belgium and Belgian Congo, but also notably France, Germany and Great Britain Read more…
“The Philatelic Society of Copenhagen” (Filatelistisk Selskab) will celebrate the 100 years since was founded, with an exhibition in October 18 to 20, 2019. Will be organized by the Copenhagen Philatelic Club (KPK) in cooperation with ”The Philatelic Society of Copenhagen” and under the support of The Danish Philatelic Federation. Read more…
On occasion of the Slovenija 2019 exhibition, a new course of the FIP Jury Academy was held in Kamnik. The outstanding trainers have been Peter P. McCann, USA and Charles Verge, Canada. Acted as FIP Observers Bernard Beston, Australia, FIP President, and Peter Suhadolc, Slovenia. The list of participants, in alphabetical order is: Boncho Bonev … Read more…
We announce with regret that Walter Müller, President of the Union of Czech Philatelists passed away on the 30th March 2019 at the age 76. Let God rest him in peace.. Read more…
The International Philatelic Exhibition Alpe-Adria SLOVENIJA 2019, with the FIP sponsorship and FEPA recognition, was organized by the Slovenian Philatelic Association. The exhibition was devoted to the 100 Anniversary of the first Slovenian stamps “Chain-breakers”. Ten countries took part … Read more…
With effect March 2019, the new board has been elected, being formed as follows: President, Hans-Peter Rheinberger. Board Members (In alphabetical order): Danler Siegfried, Dürr Thomas, Erne Stefan, Huys Jan and Windels Heini Read more…
As you were informed, the past FEPA Congress in Prague decided to have the 2019 Congress in Monaco accepting the kind request of the Club de Monte-Carlo (Monaco Federation).
Now, the President, Patrick Maselis inform us that all Delegates to the Congress and their partners can go for free to all MonacoPhil activities, including Gala Dinner, cocktails… Read more…
The FEPA Board unanimously agreed in granting the requested FEPA Recognition to the “Multilaterale 2021”. Exhibitors from Austria, Germany, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Slovenia and Switzerland with will meet in St. Pölten from the 24th to the 26th of September 2021, honoring the 100th Anniversary of the Austrian Federation – VÖPH Read more…
The Italian Federation (FSFI) announced the celebrations of the 100th anniversary of its foundation at the General Assembly held at Milanofil 2019. The main event, including also the European Championship of Thematic Philately,will be from 22 to 24 November in Verona at the 133th Veronafil, with the FEPA Patronage Read more…
The FEPA Board unanimously agreed to grant the requested FEPA Recognition to the OSTROPA 2020 International Exhibition to be held in Berlin from the 25th to the 28th of June 2020, with the participation of Germany, Estonia, Lithuania, Poland, Russia, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Ukraine and Hungary Read more…
Dr. Claudio Manzati, Chief Editor of “Post Horn” and President of the CIFO, has kindly informed us that yesterday 21st of March was launched the International Postal History Magazine POST HORN, at the International Stamp Exhibition and Advanced Collecting, organized by Poste Italiane in Milan Read more…
The FEPA Board unanimously agreed in granting the FEPA Recognition to the International Exhibition “The Atlantic invite the Alpen-Adria running to the 500 years of the Post Office in Portugal” / Atlantic – Alpen-Adria 2019, to be held in Viana do Castelo from October 1st to 6th, 2019. Read more…
At the ordinary Assembly of delegates of the Swiss Federation of Philatelic Societies in La Chaux-de-Fonds, Rolf Leuthard was elected as the new Central Chairman of the VSPhV / FSPhS. Rolf Leuthard officially took office on 1st January 2019 and succeeded Hans Schwarz. The latter led the Federation for about 2 ½ years after Ivo Bader’s resignation for health reasons in mid-2016. Hans Schwarz has been elected Vice-President. With this “rotation of function” at the head Read more…
Miguel Ángel García Fernández was re-elected President for the period 2019-2023, with the support of all the Regional Federations, at the General Assembly of the Spanish Federation of Philatelic Societies – FESOFI, held in Madrid on the 10th of March 2019. Read more…
The ABPS, whose International Committee is led by Bill Hedley, have just taken an initiative to encourage exhibitors to exhibit in more than one class. The idea is to present a ‘Multi-Class’ Certificate to exhibitors who have achieved at least Vermeil in five or more classes and the first certificates were awarded at Stampex in February 2019. Read more…
On the 28th of February the Organizing Committee of NOTOS 2021 has issued its Newsletter number 2 including the confirmation of the Philatelic and Postal Museum, Athens, to exhibit to the public together for the first time the seven printing plates of the Large Hermes Heads of 1861, known as the “Magnificent Seven”. A special webpage dedicated to the seven printing plates… Read more…
Peter Suhadolc, FIP Thematic Commission Chairman, has kindly sent us the just issued February 2019 Newsletter including the proposed New Thematic Guidelines . Other contents: Foreword, Thematic Seminar in Jerusalem 2018, Thematic Commission Meeting during Thailand 2018, Scouting Philately at Évora (Portugal), Thematic Qualifying Seminars, WETTERIANA 2019, FIP Thematic Jurors, Exhibitions Calendar, General Information about FIP TC Read more…
The Burau Member representing FEPA, Pascal Bandry, has kindly sent us the bilingual English-French Newsletter. In the Summary: Welcome words by the Chairman Jenny Banfield. The Commission : Who is who ? News around the world. Best maxicard of the year and Maximaphily exhibits. Read more…
With this title, the cover page of the “Tageblatt” advise the interview that is presented at full big page inside to Jos Wolff RDP, FIP Honorary President, President of the Federation of Luxembourg… . The Tageblatt is one of the most important daily newspapers of Luxembourg. This is an outstanding example of fantastic promotion of Philately. Congratulations, Josy! Read more…
From the 13th – 16th February, the Business Design Centre, London hosted the Spring STAMPEX 2019 . This year the lead society was the Royal Philatelic Society London on the topic of King George V. The winner of ‘Best in Show’ was awarded to Patrick Flanagan from South Africa Read more…
From the 5th to the 10th of November 2019, will be held in Santander the 57th Edition of the National Spanish Philatelic Exhibition “EXFILNA’2019” that will have International participation . Over its 750 frames will be displayed exhibits from all Classes, including the Picture Postcards. The FEPA Board unanimously agreed in granting the requested FEPA Recognition. Read more…
The National Exhibition with International participation of Youth Philately, Spanish Championship, JUVENIA 2019, will be held in the Monastery of San Juan de Burgos, from May 7 to May 11, 2019, under the sponsorship of the Spanish Post, the City Council of Burgos and Read more…
Dr. Claudio Ernesto Manzati (Italy), has sent us this optimistic short story from Mr. Yoram Lubianiker (Israel), about how collaboration between national federations can promote our hobby. It is also a demonstration of how important it is to share ideas and information. Read more…
The FEPA Vice-President, responsible for the Awards, Giancarlo Morolli, has sent a letter by email to all the FEPA members reminding that the deadline for presenting nominations is 28 February 2019, as well as thanking to all those who has already sent nominations. Here is the complete letter Read more…
The city of Warsaw and the Polish Olympic Committee are honored to host the 25th jubilee gathering of Olympic stamp, coin, pin and memorabilia collectors from around the world at the Olympic Centre from 24-26 May for WARSAW 2019. Read more…
The exhibition will be held from April 17 to 20, with 770 frames (plus literature). Also collectors from abroad will participate including many exhibitors from Belgium. In a separate section members of the Royal Philatelic Society London will show their exhibits. In addition to the usual jury awards (medals and special prizes), the public will vote for a special award for one of the exhibits. There will be 60 stands with 34 Dutch traders and others from six different countries. Will have more than 25 activities Read more…
The “Multilaterale 2019 Luxemburg” exhibition, with FEPA Recognition, will be held from November 8 to 10, 2019, with the German speaking countries (Austria, Germany, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Slovenia and Switzerland), under the High Patronage of HRH the Grand-Duke and the auspices of the Prime Minister of Luxembourg and the City of Luxembourg Read more…
The FEPA Board unanimously agreed in granting the FEPA Recognition to “ÖVEBRIA 2020”, on occasion of the 100th Anniversary of the Philatelic Club BSV St. Pölten. This city, capital of Lower Austria, will host the exhibition from the 2nd to the 4th October 2020. Read more…
All the FEPA members are receiving the copies they wanted for distribution within their countries of the new issue of the printed magazine. This number 34 include all the information received from the members about the events from July to December 2018, as well as updated information about the upcoming exhibitions and events Read more…
On the 28th of January, the Royal Philatelic Society London, has published a Press Release focused ob the two excellent Catalogues issued for the next Stockholmia 2019 Read more…
The European Academy of Philately has issued the Newsletter 2018-2 with plenty of interesting activities of the AEP. Congratulations particularly to the Academy’s President, Jean Voruz and to the Editor of the “Trait d’Union”, Peter Suhadolc. Read more…
The Österreichischer Post AG commemorated with special stamps the 100 years of the Republic of Austria, the 100 years of the first Civil Flight in Austria, the Old Post Carriages horse-drawn, the phila-Toscana Exhibition with FEPA Recognition in Gmunden and the Grand Duchy of Toscana. The FEPA logo was in the margins of the stamps sheets Read more…
An international philatelic exhibition, organized by the Union of Philatelists of Armenia, in Yerevan History Museum has been dedicated to the 2800th anniversary of Yerevan’s foundation.
The exhibition featured over 20 collections of participants, including six from the US. Yerevan is the capital of Armenia as well as one of the world’s oldest continuously inhabited cities
Read more…
Quite possible. We do not have any proof of a similar postal stationery. Dutch Monthly Filatelie, in which the Dutch Federation KNBF is publishing their official announcements, was delivered on the 10th of January with its first issue (out of 11 yearly) for 2019. The carrier is – at least – for this year and 2020 the other Dutch postal operator SANDD. This is not unique, as SANDD is delivering a lot of magazines as well as state mail, such as from the tax office. What makes it unique is the new postal stationery with which the magazine has been delivered. This is a magazinekaart, not to be mixed up with briefkaart which is a postal card send by itself with a text. Read more…
Until the 28th of February can be received candidacies for the FEPA Awards 2018 as detailed in the letter sent by our Vice-President Giancarlo Morolli to the FEPA members. The non elected candidates for the Fepa Medals for Exceptional Service to Philately and the non elected candidates for the Certificate of Appreciation to the best Clubs are not disclosed. While all publications submitted for the FEPA Medal for Research will be presented in FEPA News, advertising them to the whole European philatelic community Read more…
Mr. Christian Schmied (Switzerland), Bureau-member for FEPA of the FIP Section for Astrophilately, kindly informed us today that Astrophilately is now a Commission and no longer a Section. Mr. Schmied is sending the unfinished draft of the new SREV and Guidelines to the European national delegates
Read more…
Our best wishes to all our readers that from 81 different countries entered into the FEPA Website since the 4th of September 2018 that was established the new Web.
Health, peace and prosperity for a Happy Year 2019 to you and to your families!
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The independent International Jury, composed by fifty Presidents of National Federations and Philatelic Academies from 37 countries, elected also winners in the other categories stamps from Spain, Austria, New Zealand, France, Croatia, Island, Portugal, United Kingdom, again Spain Read more…
The Slovenian Philatelic Association (FZS), organizer of the ninth edition of the one-frame exhibition EnoOkno – OneWindow, announces that the exhibition under the name DevetoOkno Kranj 2019 (NinthWindow Kranj 2019) will be held during September 5-14, 2019 in Kranj, Slovenia and will be open for participation to exhibitors from all European federations Read more…
The year 2019 will be very important for the Italian Federation of Philatelic Societies since they we will celebrate our first Centenary. One of the highlights of the celebrations will be the 9th European Championship of Thematic Philately (ECTP), to be held in Verona from 22 to 24 November 2019, with FEPA recognition. Read more…
Participants from the FEPA Federations Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, Egypt, France, Germany, Israel, Slovenia, Spain and Turkey, together with colleagues from other parts of the world, took part in Bangkok in the 2nd and 3rd Courses once finished Thailand 2018. Five intensive sessions plus homework at nights, individual and team works and even final personal interviews with the extremely good trainers: Peter Suhadolç, Peter McCann, Lars Peter Svendsen and Charles Verge… Read more…
At the Assembly of the Association of Collectors of Albania, Julian Demeti has been elected new President. The New Board for the period 2018-2022 is as follows: Read more…
The National Dutch Exhibition with International participation GOUDA 2019 will be held on 17-20 April 2019 together with the 26e International fair for postage stamps and covers. The exhibition of around 700 frames (plus literature) will have international participation. Among some other countries there will be many entries from Belgium and collections from Read more…
The Royal Philatelic Society London with the book “Southern African mails / Routes, rates and regulations 1806-1916” from Mr. Brian Trotter, won the Grand Prix of the International Philatelic Literature Exhibition, while the exhibit of Dr. Eduardo Barreiros “Portugal in the first World War” won the Grand Prix of the Great War International Exhibition. Read more…
Amongst the 603 exhibits present, Peter Wittsten from Denmark won the Grand Prix d’Honneur, the Grand Prix International was for Richard Tan from Singapore while the winner of the Grand Prix National was Ayuth Krishnamara from Thailand Read more…
Bernie Beston from Australia has been elected new FIP President at the FIP Congress held in Bangkok on the 2nd of December 2018. Were also on election the representatives of the Asian Continental Federation FIAP at the FIP Board. Prakob Chirakiti from Thailand has been elected as Vice-President and Richard Tan from Singapore as Director. Read more…
It was a Philatelic Exhibition on the 100th Anniversary of the first Czecho-Slovak Stamp celebrating the formation of the Czechoslovak Republic in 1918. The organisational team under the strong commandment of Miroslav Bachratý (and with the great support of the Slovak post / POFIS) was able to compile an incomparable pile of great exhibits Read more…
From October 31 to November 4, more than 35.000 people enjoyed the many activities of the FEPA Exhibition EXFILNA 2018, National Spanish with the participation as invited guest os the Federations of Argentina and Colombia. The events were held in 4 key venues of the historical centre of Seville Read more…
The Dutch Federation, will allow more steps on the exhibition frames than the official 1-5-8. This system is already implemented at national level with positive experience in Spain, Finland, U.K. and other federations. But the aim of the KNBF is that FEPA and FIP implement it officially if their experimental phase is effective Read more…
The French Federation,FFAP, leaded by the President Claude Désarménien,gives an important rôle to the activities with the youth. « Timbres-Passion 2018 » held in Périgueux from 26th to 28th October has been a new event of efficient and friendly work for the future of philately. Read more…
The FEPA Board has unanimously agreed in granting the requested FEPA Recognition to MonacoPhil 2019 to be held from 28 – 30 November 2019. Amongst its events will be celebrated the FEPA Congress 2019 Read more…
On occasion of THAILAND 2018 World Stamp Exhibition and FIP Congress in Bangkok, FEPA has kindly received a slot on the Programme to celebrate a FEPA Meeting on Saturday 1st of December. Read more…
The end of the First World War brought the collapse of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. In the chaotic days that followed, the Czech Post Scout was in operation from November 7 to November 25, 1918
On occasion of the Centenary of the first Scouts stamps, has been held a Conference – Colloquium at the headquarters of the Scout Group “Kolonia de BP 347”, under the Organization of the “Club Filatélico Scouts y Guías” lead by Estanislao Pan de Alfaro.
Read more…
Amongst the events of the FEPA Exhibition “EXFILNA 2018”, on the 3rd of November were held in Seville at the “Archivo General de Indias” a cycle of conferences in front of a numerous and interested public coming from Spain, Colombia, Argentina, Panama, Portugal, France, Netherlands, Sweden, Germany Read more…
The Organizing Committee of the 25.WOCF has announced that Pre-Registration is now open on the website of the International Association of Olympic Collectors (AICO) Read more…
The Portuguese Philatelic Federation and the Portuguese Academy of the History held in Lisbon on 10th and 17th of October two sessions of 2 conferences each to commemorate the end of the 1st World War. Amongst the lecturers were the well known philatelists and academicians Doctors Eduardo and Luis Barreiros Read more…
At the 2018 General Meeting of the Working Group of Maximaphily and Postcards were honoured Günter Formery (D), Jean-Louis Reuter and Jos Wolff (L) Read more…
Macao Post & Telecommunications Bureau, loyal collaborator of FEPA, co-organized with the Macao Philatelic Club, “MACAO 2018 – 35th Asian International Stamp Exhibition”, the first great international philatelic event in Asia organized by Macao Special Administrative Region Read more…
The National Federation of Hungarian Philatelists – MABEOSZ , has elected the new Board for a period lasting until 31st December 2022. Dr. Géza Homonnay is the new President. Read more…
Italia 2018 International Literature Exhibition is approaching and jurors have already started their work using the special software prepared for the evaluation. As that allows more flexibility, applications for participation can be entered till 10 November at www.italia2018.eu Read more…
25 years ago he was elected the first President of the Union of Philatelists of Russia. On the year of his 75th anniversary, the VII Congress of the Union of Philatelists of Russia has awarded Alexander Ilyushin with the title of Honorary President for outstanding achievements in the development of national philately Read more…
On October 3rd-7th, the XXII Polish National Philatelic Exhibition was held in Poznań on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Polish Independence. The Grand Prix d’Honneur was for Ryszard Prange and the Grand Prix of the competition classes was for Zygmunt Żurek Read more…
The 2018 CIFO and Giorgio Khouzam Foundation “Giovanni Riggi di Numana Award” has been given to her “For carrying out an in-depth research and study on forty-two letters sent by Isabella d’Este Gonzaga to his brother, Cardinal Ippolito d’Este, in the years 1504-1506, preserved in the Secret Archive Estense of Modena”. Read more…
From the 18th to the 22nd of September was held in Tordera, Barcelona, the IX EXFILCAT & National Spanish Sports and Olympic Exhibition “Tordera 2018”, organized by the Catalan Federation of Philatelic Societies, FECAFIL, with the support of the City Council of Tordera and the Philatelic Club Tordera and with the collaboration of the Royal Spanish Olympic Academy (RAOE). Read more…
NOTOS 2021 is scheduled to be held in Athens, Greece, from 19 to 22 November 2021. Being a Continental Exhibition, has already applied for and received the FEPA Patronage. It has also applied for and will soon obtain the FIP Recognition as well. The AIJP and the AEP have already expressed their support to the exhibition by also granting their Patronage. Read more…
Three members of The Royal Philatelic Society London showed aspects of Latin America at the meeting held on 4 October. John Shaw MBE FRPSL displayed traditional philately of Paraguay and Haiti, Glen Stafford showed Nicaragua postal stationery, while Ray Todd OAM RDP FRPSL chose traditional philately of Chile, postal history of Haiti and postal stationery of Paraguay. Read more…
Bephila, the philatelic arm of Bpost, has published the results of the 20 jurors for the election of the: 1- Grand Prix for the Best Stamps of Belgium ; 2- Grand Prix for the Best Engraved Stamps of the European Union ; 3- Grand Prix for the Best Stamps for Youth of the European Union Read more…
From the 23rd to the 26th again GMUNDEN was the center of philately in Austria. A very interesting show reframed from a lot of dealers, postal administration and visitors. Read more…
Monsieur Pascal Bandry has kindly sent us the result of the competition for the best Maximum Card of 2017, organized under the chairmanship of Mrs. Jenny Banfield, President of the FIP Commission for Maximaphily. The result: 21 countries participation Votes from 18 countries: –1st place : France -78 points – 2nd place : Italy -45 Read more…
109 Exhibits of all Philatelic Classes including Youth, Literature, Open Philately and Picture Postcard has been present at the FEPA Exhibition ODESSAPHILEX 2018 in the Maritime Gallery at the Marine Station. Dr. Ing. Wolfgang Leupold from Germany and Mr. Spas Panchev from Bulgaria were the winners of the Grand Prizes Read more…
The level of the participants is such high that the only exhibits not accepted were because they already had so many Large Gold and Gold medals that according to the regulations they were not allowed to participate again. Also the interest of the dealers has been great. Read more…
Most of the FEPA Awards of the year were presented in Prague on occasion of the FEPA Congress, while some were already handed out and two will be presented in November on occasion of FEPA Exhibitions in Spain and Italy Read more…
Young collectors from across the world, including Belgium, France, Germany, India, The Netherlands, Norway, Switzerland, United Kingdom and the United States, were invited to go to London for the week of Autumn Stampex Read more…
ITALIA 2018 will be the most important Exhibition of Philatelic Literature, since IPHLA 2012 in Mainz, Germany. It will take place in Verona, on 23-25 November 2018 in the frame of Veronafil 2018, the largest philatelic fair in Italy. Exhibits from all over the World are welcomed. Only one copy of every exhibit should be sent. The fee for each item presented is 40 Euros. Due to the flexibility of the innovative system applied, will be accepted further applications until a week before the show. Read more…
On the 19th of August was held in Prague the 2018 FEPA Congress with the participation of 38 National Federations. It was a very alive and interesting meeting within a positive and friendly atmosphere. Were handed out the FEPA Gold Pin to the Member’s Presidents present at the Congress and the FEPA Awards of the year. Read more…
The year 2019 will be very important for the Italian Federation of Philatelic Societies since they will celebrate their first Centenary. One of the highlights of the celebrations will be the 9th European Championship of Thematic Philately (ECTP), to be held in Verona from 22 to 24 November 2019. Read more…
The Specialized World Stamp Exhibition to be held in Essen from 6th to 9th May 2021 will include the Championship Class, Traditional Philately, Postal History, Thematic, Open Philately, Picture Postcards and a large Philatelic Literature Class. Read more…
The Romanian Philatelic Federation together with the Museum of Romanian Records will organize the BALKANFILA 2020, an exhibition for the Balkan countries, in the period 17-20 September, 2020, being special guests the Philatelic Federations of Israel and Egypt. Read more…
MALMEX 2018 Bilateral Sweden-Denmark National Stamp and Postcard exhibition was organized by a number of philatelic clubs in Skåne within the Swedish Philatelic Federation from the 31st August to the 2nd September 2018 at MalmöMässan, Malmö, joining 121 Exhibits. Read more…
The FEPA Congress granted by unanimity the Recognition to the Alpe-Jadran Fila 2018 Varaždin International Philatelic Exhibition to be held from 18th to 21st October 2018, celebrating the 100th Anniversary of the issue of the first Croatian stamp. In this occasion on top of all the countries of the Working Group Alpe-Adria Philately, the Czech exhibitors will be the special guests. Read more…
Since 2016 the European Academy of Philately has created the European Parliament Award in agreement with this major European institution, which thus recognizes the relevance of the vision, missions and values of the European Academy of Philately Read more…
Amongst the very interesting events hosted on occasion of “PRAGA 2018” was held the AIJP Congress to which were invited representatives of all European federations and the president of the FIP literature commission. The President of the AIJP, Mr. Wolfgang Maassen gave the lecture “Philatelic literature at exhibitions:
a critical examination” which you can read here in full
Read more…
Mr. Francisco Gilabert, known by all as “Paco” has passed away at the age of 72. He was awarded with the highest decorations of the Spanish Post and the Philatelic Federations of Spain, Italy, Argentina, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, Honduras, Panama, and the Dominican Republic. He was the main organizer of the successful FIP Exhibitions “Granada 92” and “Lorca 98” Read more…
On occasion of “Praga 2018” were held many appealing events. We will post here quite a few of them. Now, the FEPA Seminars on Picture Postcards presented in front of a very interested audience by Birthe King, Bojan Bracic and José Ramón Moreno , with the whole PowerPoint Presentations availables for downloading. Read more…
It was wonderful looking at the daily long queue of the enthusiastic Stamp lovers patiently waiting for their turn to enter the Exhibition and their appreciation to enjoy the competitive exhibits. Furthermore, the most impressing was their willingness to pay 12 Euros every day for the admission tickets. Read more…
The Silverpostiljonen (silver post-rider) challenge trophy was presented by Claes Arnrup and Lars-Olow Carlsson from Postiljonen AB, to the right Sigurður R. Pétursson, chairman of the organising committee. Hallvard Slettebø won the Championship Class at Nordia 2018 with his World Scouting exhibit . The Silverpostiljonen (silver post-rider) challenge trophy was presented by Claes Arnrup and Read more…
We have the sad task to inform that Ingolf Kapelrud, FRPSL passed away on the evening of the 10th of July 2018 at the age of 74. He was President of FEPA 1995-2001, and Honorary FEPA President since 2001. He was a fantastic philatelist who worked very hard for philately. He was also an extremely kind person and we were lucky to have worked together and to became a good friend of him. Rest in peace.
Presidents and representatives of the federations of Bulgaria, Romania, Croatia, Serbia, Russia, Montenegro and Turkey met in Sofia the FIP Board on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the Union of the Bulgarian Philatelists’ membership in FIP. Read more…
Pedro Vaz Pereira , specialist in the research of the 1st Portuguese Republic (1910-1926) presented a new book in this framework at the Portuguese Academy of History, “The Secular Republican Missions and the Historical and Missionaries Misconceptions of the Catholic Church”. Read more…
We received the kind offer of Mr. Frank Walton RDP FRPSL, Chairman of the London 2020 Organising Committee, to host the 2020 FEPA Congress at the news Royal premises. Here you can see some of the rooms that could be used for the Congress. Read more…
The FEPA Board received the request of the Austrian Federation, Verband Österreichischer Philatelisten-Vereine, to change the name of the Exhibition to be held from the 23 to the 26 August 2018. Instead of “Gmunden 2018” will be called ¨phila” – Toscana. Read more…
Portugal, Germany, Austria, Denmark, Spain, Finland, Italy, Lithuania, Norway, Sweden and Switzerland participated in the 12th EuroScout held in Évora, Portugal. It also hosted the 37th World Scout & Guide Collectors Meeting, being elected new President Estanislao Pan de Alfaro. Read more…
The Exhibition is open to all Classes and to all European Federations as well as to exhibits related to Europe from all over the World. Literature Class also open to entries from all the World. The FEPA Board has been pleased granting by unanimity the FEPA Patronage. Read more…
The first ephemera exhibition ‘Ankara 2018, Ephemera in Philately’ , under TFDF (Turkish Philatelic Federation) patronage, is a Philatelic Exhibition, having Postal History 2c, Open Philately, Postcard & and Ephemera classes. Read more…
The Swedish Federation is very active in Open Philately Class. We are pleased to post the very interesting article that we are receiving from Peter Nordin and Bo Dahlner. Read more…
We are pleased to post the official Program of the WSC Israel 2018 to be held in Jerusalem from the 27th to the 31st May 2018. Read more…
At a recent meeting of the Board of Election , the members unanimously decided to ask Robert Abensur (France), Gustaf Douglas FRPSL (Sweden), Cheryl R. Ganz FRPSL (United States of America), and Geoffrey Lewis FRPSL (Australia) to sign the Roll. Read more…
These are guaranteed by the Zurich-based Notime, 51% of which has now been acquired by Swiss Post. The employees speed through the city using bicycles. Read more…
The Revenue Salon “World of Revenues”, devoted solely to fiscal philately, to be held in Essen, Germany, in May 2019, has issued its Bulletin number 1. Read more…
Exactly 175 years after the first Swiss stamp, the Museum of Communication in Bern, in collaboration with the Postage Stamp Interest Group and the Swiss Post, celebrate the exhibition “Extreme: 175 Years of Swiss Stamps”. Read more…
Mr. David Kopřiva, was a guest on a talk show Guest of the day on PrahaTV. He talked about beauties of philately, the opportunity to see the iconic blue and red Mauritius during the PRAGA World Expo, the recent sale of the most expensive Czechoslovak stamp… Read more…
At the General Assembly of the Spanish Federation were awarded the 2018 FESOFI’s Medal, the highest recognition of the Spanish Federation. The Individual Medal was granted to the FEPA President, José Ramón Moreno, while the Collective Medal was for the Rioja’s Philatelic and Numismatic Society. Read more…
At the Congress of the Sveriges Filatelist-Förbund held on the 7th of April was elected the New Board as follows: Bo Dahlner (President), Leif Ledmyr (Vice President), Ulf Nilsson (Secretary). Read more…
According to the FEPA request, proposed through the FIP Vice-President representing FEPA, Bernard Jimenez, the FIP has agreed in changing the points for the evaluation of the Open Philately Class, deleting the criteria “Importance” and joining in just one criteria of “Treatment” the previous separation of “Philatelic Treatment” and “Non Philatelic Treatment. This could be considered as a first step towards the wishes expressed by the Swedish Federation in its Motion at the 2017 FEPA Congress. Read more…
The “Lehrsammlung Philatelie”, compiled by Siegfried Nestler, provides valuable know-how for every stamp collector. It is not only informative for teenagers and beginners, but also for advanced philatelists and professionals – and an indispensable reference book for every club library. Read more…
We are receiving from its kind President, Mark Bottu, the Belgian Gabriel Eastern 2018, in both French and Dutch languages. You will find the introduction in English on the website of the Weltbund www.weltbundgabriel.eu Read more…
The new Board, elected on the 24th of March for the next three years, is formed by President, Piero Macrelli; Vice-president, Bruno Crevato-Selvaggi; Secretary, Nicolino Parlapiano. Members of the board of directors: Read more…
At the Annual General Meeting of the Federation of Philatelic Societies of Ireland, the following Executive Council Members were elected. Read more…
We are receiving the information of the election of Mr. Zoran Angelov as President of the Union of Philatelists of Macedonia, as well as the sad news of the passed away suddenly of Mr. Stevan Savevski, Secretary of the Union. Read more…
Has been held in Milan the 2018 annual FEPA Board Meeting attended by all the members of the Board. Here you can see the 17 points discussed and decided. Read more…
The Exhibition will commemorate the 500 Anniversary of the death of Emperor Maximilian of Austria. It will be held in Wiener Neustadt, the home city of the Emperor, from the 18th to the 20th of October 2019, organized by the Briefmarkensammlerverein Wiener Neustadt. Read more…
At the Congress of the Italian Federation Giancarlo Morolli has received a recognition created especially for him. As he had already signed in 1989 the Roll of Honor of the Italian Philately, the highest award of the Federation, he was presented a Diploma of Honor in acknowledgment of 50 years of continuous service as FSFI delegate. Read more…
At the VII Congress of the Union of Philatelists of Russia, Sergey EVTUSHENKO has been elected new President. Alexander ILYUSHIN was elected Honorary President. Elected Vice-Presidents of the Presidium of the Executive Board: Aleksei BORODIN and Vladimir DEVYATOV. Read more…
One hundred years since the purchase of its legendary headquarters at 41 Devonshire Place, London W1, The Royal Philatelic Society London is moving to new and larger premises in the historic centre of the City of London at 15 Abchurch Lane, London EC4N 7BW. Read more…
Sponsored by the Croatian Post, this very useful book has been distributed to every Primary school in Croatia free of charge as well as to public libraries and all philatelic clubs having youth sections. Read more…
The 20th March 1993 in Dommeldange Jos Wolff was elected President of the Philatelic Federation of Luxembourg FSPL for the first time. Now we are very pleased to congratulate him on his 25th Anniversary as President of the Federation and 45 years member of the Bureau. Read more…
It is hereby announced that a selection for the awarding of one Doctorate Prize totaling €3,000.00 aiming to be a fantastic tool to promote philately and postal history! The Chairman of the Selection Board will be the Attorney at law Giorgio Khouzam; the Board’s Secretary will be Dr. Claudio E. M. Manzati, CIFO’s President. Read more…
This Åland post card was postmarked at the “Finlandia-2017” FEPA exhibition in Tampere and addressed to the crew of the International Space Station (ISS). Being delivered to Russia, the card was handed over to the crew of the Russian “Soyuz MS-05”. Read more…
The FEPA Board has unanimously agreed in granting the requested FEPA Recognition to the Spanish National Exhibition with International Participation “EXFILNA 2018” to be held in Seville from the 31st of October to the 4th of November. The three beautiful spaces where would be displayed the 750 frames are right in the center of the city. Read more…
It is the montly magazine of the CIFO, Association of Collectors of the Italian stamps and its Postal History. Managed by a very young Board (19 to 63 y.o.), they are also very active in the Social Networks with an excellent Website: http://www.cifo.eu and a most innovative Contest for awarding an University Doctorate study of wich we will publish details here soon. Read more…
We are pleased to inform that Croatia hosts the next 2018 Alps-Adria Exhibition with the participation of its seven countries. It will be in October 25 -28th 2018 in the beautiful city of Varazdin at the Croatian National Theater. The Bulletin number 1 has just been published. Read more…
The printed magazine “FEPA News” covering the main events of the second part of 2017 and informing about those of 2018 have been sent to all FEPA Members for its distribution within the countries. In its 84 pages, this issue presents articles and information of 38 National Federations, Associations or Unions members of FEPA. Here you can read or download the whole magazine in its digital version. Read more…
At the currently released Bulletin # 1 of PRAGA 2018, you will find information about the exhibition, the national commissioners, members of the Organizing committee, the EXPO Fair and last but not least about the partners of the prominent exhibition. Read more…
Zbigniew Mikulski, RDP, died in Switzerland at the age of 92. A legendary Polish philatelist has passed away. Let him rest in peace. Read more…
A very interesting article about the use of the “Maquettes” on the Thematic exhibits lead the January issue of the magazine of the Belgian Federation Read more…
The January 2018 number of the magazine of the Austrian Philatelic Federation presents a wide selection of interesting articles and information over the 48 pages of one of the best European Philatelic magazines Read more…
The very active Postal Stationery FIP Commission has issued its first issue of the year which contains interesting information and articles as “A New Discovery”, “Card Stock Ecuador”, “News from the Delegates”, “Literature Review”, “PS Society Journals” among others. Well done! Read more…
‘The best I have ever seen. The depth and quality is mind-blowing, and the condition wonderful.’ So commented Murray Gellatly FRPSL, Chairman of the GB Overprints Society, at the display of Morocco Postal History (1852-1925) given by Maurice Hadida FRPSL to the members of The Royal Philatelic Society London on 11 January. Read more…
On the occasion of 131st Veronafil 2018, the important autumn philatelic event where international collectors meet, the Federation of Italian Philatelic Societies organizes Italia 2018, a major international philatelic competitive exhibition, divided in two parts: Read more…
On the 14th of January, Anthony Virvilis had an interview talking about the positive aspects of our hobby and about the actual problems in the philately. It is a bilingual text French and English of top interest. Read more…
This number covers the main events of the last quarter of 2017. There is an ample reportage of “Genova 2017” that counted with the presence of three Olympic Champions Read more…
The official magazine of the Spanish Federation, which received the Prix of the European Academy of Philately as the best Philatelic Magazine of the year, presents in its January issue Read more…
We are receiving the January issue of Philatelie. It includes articles as “Bdph: Image change through a modern appearance”, “The Post of Northern Germany 1868-1871”, “Social Philately in the discussion”, a most interesting debate and so many appealing… Read more…
A group of young high potential collectors was recently invited to attend MonacoPhil by members of the Club de Monte-Carlo. There were 2 from the UK, 2 from Belgium, 1 from Russia, 1 from Italy and 10 from the USA. They were invited to all the activities. Read more…
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